- H U R T -

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Juniper woke up and Teddy was gone. She yawned, rolled over, expecting to see Teddy beside her. It was his bed after all. Instead, she found a cold, empty space. She sat up, shrugging on an old t-shirt of Leo's, and tried not to feel too hurt that he'd just left. She'd agreed. Casual. Casual relationships didn't stay the night. Boyfriends did that. And he was certainly not her boyfriend.

Teddy Lupin had never been a boyfriend in his entire life. And she knew that wasn't going to change. This was what she wanted. She had convinced him into this, not the other way around. Of course he hadn't stayed. And Juniper shouldn't have assumed he would.

Sucking in a deep breath, Juniper collected her discarded clothing items, padding up the stairs to the girls' dorm. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes before entering, hoping they wouldn't be awake. When she opened the door, she saw only Vivian, lounging on her bed.

"Hey." She waved awkwardly, busying herself with changing her clothes.

Vivian looked up briefly, "Hey." Things were a little tight between them after last night. Juniper still didn't understand why Viv was so bent out of shape, she knew what she was doing. Right?

"Where is everybody?" Juniper asked, brushing out her hair.

"Jade's in the greenhouse and Ror is studying." Vivian answered, smiling wryly.

"Did you-?" Juniper started, unsure of what Vivian had told them about her absence.

Vivian lifted a shoulder, "I said you got back late and didn't want to wake us, so you stayed in the boys' dorm. They didn't think any of it."

Juniper relaxed, "Thanks." She paused, "Could you maybe not- ?"

Vivian shook her head, "Don't worry." She waved her hands airily, "I'm not going to tell anyone."

"Thank you, V." Juniper bit her lip, "I'm sorry- I- you shouldn't have to- keep my secret. I didn't mean for this to- well, I know you don't think I'm doing the right thing. That I'm going to get hurt or it'll get messy, but I'm making the right decision."

"Ok-" Vivian began to agree, but Juniper was hardly paying attention to her, a million thoughts running through her mind. She paced back in forth of the beds, hands on her hips.

"I'm making the right decision." Juniper repeated, interrupting. "I am. I'm making the right decision. I am. Am I?" Her voice rose in doubt. "No, no. I am. I am. I'm fine. You know this isn't- I shouldn't even be- this is his fault! He kissed me. Teddy kissed me, not the other way around!" She groaned in frustration, emotions spinning. Vivian just stared, blinking.

"I didn't even kiss him back! At first...okay fine I kissed him back! I kissed him back! Is that what you want me to say?!"

Vivian propped her chin up on her hand, raising her eyebrows, "I literally haven't said anything for the past-"

Juniper continued to rant, "It's just- he's just-"

"It's Teddy." Vivian smiled, nodding in understanding.

"It's Teddy." Juniper sighed. There was a heavy moment of silence.

"Be careful Junie." Vivian warned in a soft tone, packing up her bag and heading out the door.

"I will." She reassured, but Juniper wasn't sure Vivian believed her. And frankly, Juniper wasn't sure she would've believed herself either. However, she wished, just once, that Vivian could trust her when it came to Teddy. Vivian didn't have a problem with Xavier when they were dating. In fact, she was the only one who hadn't. And Teddy and her weren't even dating. Not even close.

Maybe that was the problem.

The door to their dorm swung open again, and Rory walked in, looking flustered. The brunette set her bag down in a huff, muttering incoherently to herself.

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