- H A P P Y C H R I S T M A S -

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Juniper heard a knock on the door, and glanced up from wrapping her present. She cocked her head, calling, "Lupin?" Again, "Teddy did you hear that? Is that you?" Her and Teddy had arrived early in the morning, minus James of course. It was nightfall now, and they hadn't heard form him yet, which Juniper assumed meant he'd made it fine and everything. She had managed to keep Harry in the dark, and all they'd had to do was tell Evelyn and Sirius straight up. They were easy. Sirius had winked and said, "Ah young love." While Evelyn put a finger to her lips and said, "Not a word."

"Teddy?" she tried one last time, but there was no response. Ugh. Figured. She had to do everything herself. He could probably hear her too, the motherfucker. And to think, she'd been wrapping his Christmas present. "You suck, Lupin!" Juniper groaned, rising to see who was at the door. She didn't know who it could possibly be. Maybe her dad? Or Leo and Charlie?

She sauntered down the long hallway, avoiding eye contact with that freaky portrait of Sirius's mum. That thing was scary as hell. Juniper opened the door. "Who is—Rory!" She exclaimed, tackling her best friend with a hug.

"Hey, Junie," Rory smiled, hugging her back. James hung their coats on the rack.

"I'm here too y'know," her brother reminded her.

Juniper brushed him off, "Yeah, yeah whatever. I saw you less than twenty four hours ago Jamesie." She ignored James and sprung on Rory, peppering her with questions, "What are you doing here? I thought James was going to yours for Christmas? Were you surprised?"

James and Rory shared a look. "I just missed you too much," Rory said, blowing her a kiss.

"I knew it," Juniper tossed her hair, then stuck her tongue out at James, "take that."

"Erm— I think you mean you missed me too much," Teddy ducked into the hall, clapping James on the back.

"Oh now you can hear?" Juniper raised an eyebrow, huffing.

Teddy grinned, tugging on her ponytail, "It comes and goes." He stepped forward to hug Rory, "Hey, Wood."

"Lupin," Rory said, "you look the same."

Teddy chuckled, "Why thank you, Ror."

"Oh- I didn't mean it as a compliment, but okay," Rory lifted a careless shoulder, eyes sparkling. Her and Juniper giggled, and even James bit back a smile, coughing to conceal his amusement when Teddy gave him a dirty look.

"To think, I considered the possibility of missing you," Teddy sighed to himself, scowling.

"I'm touched, Lupin." Rory was already feeling more like herself. Spirit rising steadily as she fell right back into her old routines with Teddy and Junie. Just being around her best friends was making everything better.

"Well, I missed you," Juniper said, linking her arm with Rory's. "I've been all by myself."

"Am I invisible?" Teddy stage whispered to James, mouth curving up mischievously.

Juniper shooed him away, "Oh, you don't count."

"I don't count? Well that's loads better. Thank you for clearing that up, trouble." Teddy smirked.

"Was there someone at the door, Bug?" Evelyn came into view, graying hair secured in a braid that swung behind her. "Oh! James, I didn't think we were expecting you!" There was a sneaking smile on her face when she spotted Rory, "This the girl, Jamie?"

"He brought the girlfriend round?" Sirius bellowed, joining them. He secured his own silver mane of hair in a top knot, before embracing James. Jovially greeting him, "Good to see you, mate. Merlin, you're taller than I am now."

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