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juniper's pov:

The first few weeks back to Hogwarts flew by, between Quidditch practices, O.W.L. preparations, and the staggering amount of course work that was piled on us these days, I barely had time to breathe.

I pored over my playbook, our first game was this weekend against Slytherin, and Ness would never let me live it down if we lost to them. Vanessa was a Seeker too and competitiveness was practically a requirement in the Potter family.

Not to mention, all of our parents would be in the stands, most likely armed with a battalion of embarrassing, over the top banners and signs. They always came for our first games. Uncle Ron would break into song at least twice a game, usually singing a rendition of what he calls "Weasley is our King", I guess it was a cheer from when they went to school? I'm not really sure, but the Slytherin parents always seem to get a kick out of it.

"Hey." I felt a hand on my shoulder, and almost scream from surprise. It's past ten, the common room's been empty for ages, and I've been completely absorbed in Quidditch lineups for the last few hours.

I whipped my wand out, adjusting my glasses so I could see who this potential attacker could be, and I sighed in relief when I see who it is, "Teddy, I lowered my wand, Merlin you scared the fuck out of me!"

He laughed, ducking as I swatted him with the play book, "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Someone's jumpy." He sat down beside me, peeking over my shoulder at my work.

"For all I knew you could've been a serial killer." I replied indignantly, blowing my hair out of my face.

"If I was a serial killer you'd already be dead, love." Teddy grinned, raising an eyebrow mischievously, "Why are you still up anyways?"

"Working on this." I displayed my detailed diagrams, "I have to get it just right if we stand a chance against Slytherin."

He rose, smiling, "You should sleep Junie, you're going full on Oliver Wood right now."

I scowled at him, "Shut up Lupin."

"And you should probably put James there." He tapped a space on the drawing, walking to the portrait hole, and I furrowed my brow.

"Where are you going so late?"

"Maddie just got done with her patrol duties, I'm meeting her in the prefects bathroom...if you catch my drift." He winked, and I rolled my eyes.

"We always catch your drift Teddy." I responded sourly, checking my lineup again, "And my positions are perfectly fine."

"Just check it Potter." He called as he disappeared out the common room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I looked closer at the game setup and groaned. Damn it, he was right, James would be better over there. How had I not seen that?

I closed my notebook softly, rubbing my eyes and yawning. I wondered if Teddy would be coming back tonight, probably not. Teddy was always back in the Gryffindor tower by morning, but lately he's been returning late and later. Though I guess the correct thing to say would be earlier and earlier. Him and Maddie were spending a lot of time together, but I was pretty sure he was still seeing other girls.

I missed him. We all did, though no one as much as James. Usually, it wasn't a problem because he moved through girls like a snowplow, but he had been spending less time with us and more time with Maddie the past few days.

I was trying not to be jealous, I really was. Mostly because Maddie herself was so so nice, like an unreal level of nice, and my baby sister absolutely idolized her.

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