Part 33

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**Mew's POV**

Gulf: He still continued to cut me off as he pulls me into the room and it was starting to make me mad so I just stared at the floor. This was not going to end well... "Mom, we need to talk to you abou..."

I wasn't fully paying attention as he stops in his tracks and causes me to run into his back.

Mew: Not wanting him to fall over I grab his arms and look up at his face to see the color draining from his face. "What's the matt..." Feeling confused I had looked over to where he was staring and lost all train of thought from what I was looking at. "DAD?!?!"

In front of us was my dad currently naked on top of a very naked queen in bed...

Queen: She fumbles for the blankets with a panicked expression as Gulf takes a step back as I grip his arm. "Gulf? W-what are you doing in here? We're not supposed to meet until later this week."

Gulf: I could hear his voice beginning to crack as his body slumps against mine. "Mom, h-how could you?..."

Dad: He just looks at me with disgust. Honestly I wasn't even that surprised, once the initial shock was done I didn't really feel anything, my dad liked to sleep around and he usually made it very obvious. "Son get him out of here, it's no concern of his what we do behind closed doors."

Gulf: His jaw drops at my dad's words and tries to take a step forward as I hold his arm to keep him back. "What the fuck do you mean it's none of my business? If your screwing my mom behind my dad's back than I feel like that would be something that my entire family needs to know about. It's you that has nothing to do with this, get the fuck away from my mom!"

Mew: Shit, he really needs to calm down... I try to pull him to me as I whisper. "Gulf, let's just go. We can talk about this when things are less indecent..."

Gulf: I knew I had lost any chance of getting him to listen to me as he whirls on me with a dark laugh. "Why should we be the ones to leave? Where not the ones having an affair." I just cringed as he turns back around and looks at my dad. "How small can your self-respect be to sleep with a married woman? Do you have no shame?"

Gulf please shut the fuck up...

Dad: He just glares at me and I knew immediately that everything was about to end... He just clears his throat with a grin. "I'd mind your words boy, you wouldn't want to be called a hypocrite now would you? Such things can tarnish ones reputation if known by the wrong people."

Mew: I just gripped Gulfs arm feeling panicked. "Dad, please don't..."

Gulf: He turns to look at me all confused. "What is he talking about Mew? Why would he call me a hypocrite?

I didn't know what to do, I knew that there was no way out of my father's arrangement but I needed to tell him myself not like this.

Dad: He confidently gets out of the bed and starts to get dressed. He looks at Gulf with a grin before looking at me. "So I was right, he never told you?"

Mew: I could feel my hands beginning to shake. "P-please don't..."


Hearing him raise his voice made me flinch as the pain had begun to seep into his voice.

Dad: He walks over to the side table by the bed fully dressed now and starts to put on a watch in the most calm composure I have ever seen him and it terrified me. "Gladly, you see my son here has been lying to you for a while now."

Gulf: He looks at me with tears in his eyes. "Mew, what is he talking about?"

I opened my mouth to try and give him an answer but nothing would move, I was frozen in place. The fear of losing the one last good thing in my life was sucking me dry and I could already see the pain and betrayal on his face before he even knew what was going on.

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now