Part 29

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**Mew's POV**

Ohm: I was on my way to go check on Off when Ohm pulls me by my shirt and slams me against the wall. "What the fuck happened to my son?"

I just close my eyes and take a deep breath before pulling his hands off of me and stepping away as calmly as possible.

Mew: "Calm down Ohm, I already took care of everything."

Ohm: I could see that he was pissed as fuck and I didn't blame him. I'm not surprised that Off never mentioned his relationship with Gun. "See now that's what I want to know, what exactly did you do because I got a letter in the mail last night saying that Off was no longer a member of Lotus and that he was currently recovering from injury but no one will actually tell me what the fuck happened. They all say that if I want to know than I need to ask you, so that's what I'm doing."

We were by the kitchen so I just walk behind him and begin to push him toward the kitchen.

Mew: "We should talk in the kitchen, you need to sit down first."

I could see that he wanted to protest but he was silent as we made our way into the kitchen and sat at the table. Not wanting to be sitting while saying all of this I got up to make us some coffee as I tell him the story about his son fell in love with a stable boy...

For a good while he was silent but then he just rests his head in his hands and begins to cry.

Ohm: "W-why didn't he tell me? I would have helped him resign sooner..."

Mew: Feeling both confused and relieved. "You're not against his relationship?"

Ohm: "Do I think he went about this the right way? No, no I do not. Do I support my son in the decision of loving someone fully to the point to where he would give up everything he is for that person. Surprisingly yes, yes I do. You only get one life to live and I want him to enjoy his life, I know that I was never able to give him the life he wanted but he had nowhere to go if I made him leave. I know you might not believe me after some of the questionable acts I've done over the years, but I really want what's best for both of you." He sips his tea but setting it down and looking at me intensely. "Is he recovering well?"

Mew: I just nod my head slowly. "The doctor said that he should be close to full recovery after 3 months."

Ohm: "That's good... I guess I should prepare myself for being alone pretty soon. It's going to be weird not seeing his face every day in the training grounds and guard duty but if he is able to be happy this way, than I'll be okay..."

Mew: Not being able to control myself, I get out of my chair and pull him into a hug wishing everyone was as understanding as he was... "Thank you, Off loves you very much and he was afraid that you wouldn't approve. He didn't want to disappoint you."

Ohm: He hugs me back before pulling away with a small sad smile. "I'd only be disappointed if he didn't fight for the things he loved." He pulls some papers out of his pocket before placing them on the table. "I didn't know what was going on but I thought it would be a good idea to get the resignation papers ready just in case." He pushes them over to me before standing up to leave. "I need to go make sure everything is dealt with since were going to be one guard short now. Go get my son out of that filthy place and don't ever let him do something so stupid ever again." He had walked out for a second before coming back in. "By the way, I know you don't know what's going on with Gun's situation right now but if he ends up being released. I would really like to meet him..."

With that he walks out and left me in the empty kitchen with a stack of papers in my face.

Not wanting to waist anymore time I stood up and walked toward the dungeon.

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