Part 43

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**Off's POV**

Every once In a while I couldn't help but glance at Mew as everyone caught up. I could see him staring at me from the corner of my eye every time that I looked away and it was bothering me. It was like he wanted to say something to me but I had no idea what it could be, he probably wants to blab about how happy he is now that Gulf has brought him home.

He was always talking about how he would wait for Gulf but I honestly thought that he was going to let go of all of this when he received that job promotion, it's a good thing Gulf was finally opened up to the reality of what happened 3 years ago.

The next thing there going to have to deal with is Gulf's situation though, is he actually going to get a divorce? 

Will he be able to keep his kids? 

Will she refuse to leave? 

I don't know the answers to any of these questions and it made me feel kind of bad for Mew. He has already endured so much over the past few years, he doesn't need anything else happening to him.

I let out a sigh and that made Gun look over at me while he was talking to Gulf. He grabs my arm and rests his head on my shoulder. That made me smile to myself as I rub his head. He always knew the best ways to keep me calm.

That's one of the reasons I love him so much...

Off: Leaning down I kiss the top of his head as Gulf grins at us and then I look over at Mew. "Can I talk to you for a second?"

Mew: He nervously looks at Gulf who nods his head at him in approval. "Yea sure, I actually have a few things I need to tell you."

Gun lets go of my arm with a smile as I begin to walk away with Mew following me. I already knew that Gun was going to bombard Gulf with questions as soon as we were out of ear shot and it made me chuckle.

Seriously, why is my husband such a trouble maker?

Mew: He comes up beside me as we make our way to the library. "Earlier you said that o... Your dad is out on business, what is he doing?"

Off: I look over at him in confusion, he seems awfully interested in what my dad is doing today. "There was an investigation on your father and the police only needed a few pieces of information to lock him up for a long time. I talked to my dad and he decided to not stand in your fathers shadow anymore so he is currently out of town looking for the evidence he needed for the police. He found what he needed and now he'll be home tomorrow to submit everything. I think he's returning to the castle around noon or so."

Mew: He begins to smile as we enter the library and head for the nook that he use to be glued too... "That fucking bastard deserved so much more than prison but I'm glad that he's getting what he deserves." He sits down on the bed and then looks at me with worry on his face as I sit in a chair across from him. "He's not my father though..."


Off: "What do you mean he's not your father?"

Mew: "Well... I've known for a while that he wasn't my father ever since I left, what I didn't know was who my actual parents were until earlier today when Gulf came to see me. His mom told him about her past and who knew that a lot of the adults in this town actually have a very deep history that no one talks about."

Off: "What do you mean?"

Mew: "For starters, Lee is actually the Kings younger brother. So that is some serious family hatred right there. Second of all my mother was a maid that use to work here and my father... Well I grew up with him and his son but he never knew that I was his. He was kept in the dark just as much as I was..."

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