Part 1

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**Gulf's POV**

**Fifteen Years Ago**

From the cracks in the cupboard door I could see her walking around searching for me as I tried to compress my laughter in my hands.

Ann: "Gulf sweetie, where did you run off to again? It's just bath time." Mumbling under her breath thinking I wouldn't hear her. I didn't really understand what she meant though. "How can a little 5 year old be such a pain in my ass."

Hearing her getting angry made me feel even more giggly as I shoved a cookie in my mouth. Nanny Ann always loves to take my sweets before bath time and I really wanted my cookie's!!

Oops, I think I messed up because I could see her feet stopping right as she was going to walk up the stairs out of the kitchen. She turns around and heads for the cupboard I was hiding in.

If I hold my mouth and try to make a run for it do you think she can catch me?

Okie, on 3 ill make a run for it!!

I must eat all the cookies.

On 3 I burst out of the cupboard and started to roar like a dinosaur as I run between her legs. At first I thought I was going to make it, I could see the stairs. I just needed to make it to my room and id be safe.

Momma would save me from bath time!

Ann: She grabs my waist and picks me up in one go as I try to struggle and break free. "I mean really Gulf, It's just a little bath, why are you afraid of the water so much?" She starts to bring me up the stairs as the idea of going limp so that I'm heavier gets into my head. Alright just got to relax, got it! "You do this every time."

Gulf: I raise my head and pout, it's not that I don't like baths. There so much fun with the bubbles and little boats they get me but she is always taking my food. I love food, its mean. "Your always taking my sweets."

Ann: She chuckles as she pulls off my clothes and pamper. "Is that what this is about? If you eat any more sweets you're going to get really chubby."

Wanting to be a big boy, I try to get into the bathtub by myself but ended up making a big splash sending bubbles everywhere.

Gulf: I pop up out of the bubbles and rub my tummy. "That's okay, all I need is sweets. I can turn this into a candy land. I could look like the dad in Aladdin. He's chubby and rules a city happily."

Ann: She crouches by the tub and makes me sit down a so she can wash my hair while I play with my boats. "One day you will understand that there are more important things than sweets in this world. You're going to be the king some day and that means that you're going to have to look after everyone In this city."

Gulf: I stop playing with my boats as I tilt my head to the side feeling confused. "What's so important about everyone else?"

Ann: She brings a cup to my head as I close my eyes. "Hmmm, well let's see. How about your best friend Gun, do you see him any less than yourself just because he's the son of the stable boy?"

Gulf: That's a silly question. "No. He is the bestest, he lets me play in the garden. Nobody else lets me play, it's so boring. OooOOoo and he gives me candy. Were going to be best friends forever!"

Ann: She laughs as she begins to cover my arms in bubbles. I don't know why baths have to be so much cleaning. Isn't it just to play in the bubbles? "If you see Gun as your equal than what's so different about everyone else?"

Gulf: "But he's my friend."

Ann: "Hmm, what about me? Am I your friend or just the lady that follows you around and gives you baths?"

I stop playing with my boats again as I look at her. She's always been kind to me and I see her more as a momma to me than my own momma because momma is always busy with doing stuff that is confusing to me. Except she takes my sweets but I guess I can forgive her for that.

Gulf: "Will you stop taking my sweets before bath time?"

Ann: Chuckling. "You can have one before bath time."

Gulf: I give her a big smile and attack her with a big hug. Bubbles and all. "Then you are my family. I like seeing you every day. Makes me feel less lonely when momma and papa are away. They never have time to see me anymore."

Ann: She wipes the tears from my face as I sit back down in the water. "Can you do something for me Gulf?"

Gulf: "Yes!!"

Ann: She cleans the rest of me and then picks me up out of the bathtub and sets me down on the toilet to dry me off. "Can you promise me that when you get older, you will treat all of your people like family. Everyone is special in their own way and can help you if you treat everyone fairly."

Gulf: "They can all live in the castle!"

Ann: She starts to laugh again as she rubs my hair with one of our fluffy towels. "Not everyone is cut out to live in the castle but they all deserve your kindness. Can you do that for me?"

Gulf: I raise my arms above my head as she dry's me feeling like I always want to see her smiling. "I promise I will try my best to treat everyone the same."

Ann: She wraps me in a towel and picks me up to carry me to my room. "Good boy. You're going to be an amazing king one day."

Gulf: "The king of sweets!"

Ann: She shakes her head as we make our way into my room. "The king of kindness."

I get set down on my bed and I pick up one of the books on my side table. My momma always told me that a good son will learn how to read at an early age. I want to be able to read the books in the restricted section that way mom can be proud of me! 

Those books must be really hard to read if no one is aloud to read them yet.

I don't want to disappoint her...

Ann: She walks to me from my closet holding my pajamas as I set my book down and raise my arms. "What are you reading tonight?"

Gulf: Once my shirt was on I grab the book and hold it Infront of my proudly. "Curious George."

Ann: Puts a fresh pamper on me and then climbs onto the bed and taps the spot next to her. "Can you read it to me?"

Gulf: I quickly got up and ran on the bed over to the spot next to her and lay down on her stomach while looking up at her. "You don't have to work tonight?"

Ann: She rubs my hair as I look at the ceiling. "Nope, your parents are out of town so I can stay with you until you fall asleep tonight. Does that sound okay?"

Gulf: "I like it when you can stay. It's scary sleeping in this big room by myself."

Ann: "What's so scary about it? I thought you were a big boy?"

Gulf: I start to pout at her. "I am a big boy, but I want someone to share it with. Do you think I will have any siblings one day?"

Ann: "I don't know, your parents might be a little too busy to be able to get you a sibling right now."

Gulf: "I hope they can spend more time with me soon, I miss them..."

Ann: She opens my book and I start to read it while she continues to rub my hair making me feel sleepy. "Don't worry, you will never be alone as long as I am here."

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now