Part 45

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**Mew's POV**

Dean: I could hear him jumping up and down as I realize that I had something heavy leaning against my chest. "DADA, DADA, DDDAAADDAAAA!!"

The thing on me began to groan against me and that's when I could feel that my entire back was really stiff.

Gulf: "Mewww, can you take care of that?"

I pop open one eye to see that yes, yesterday was not a dream. I really was home and it looks like we had all fallen asleep in Lily's room last night. I didn't realize that we were all that tired...

Mew: Trying to move my arms, I gently move from under him as I lay him down onto the ground before wiping my eyes. "What do they usually do in the mornings?"

Gulf: He sleepily points toward the door in the corner. "The bathroom is over there, they take a bath first and then ken makes them breakfast."

With a yawn I stand up on shaky legs as Dean begins to giggle, I could see that Lily was still sleeping. I don't understand how she can sleep with so much noise. Glancing down at Gulf who had already fallen back to sleep I begin to smile.

I guess she gets it from her dad...

Mew: Trying to be as quiet as possible I scoop Dean up and walk toward the bathroom. "Come on little guy let's get you cleaned up."

He begins to clap his hands and I thought it was really adorable. I never was much of a kid guy but I think I could get used to it since there Gulf's little ones. I'm going to cherish this family with everything I have...

Once the door was closed behind me the transition to the bathtub was not as bad as I thought It would be, at first he was struggling but as soon as I found his rubber duckies he calmed down and started to play with them in the water. It made it easier for me to wash him and eventually dry him when I was all done.

By the time the water was beginning to get cold I was already covered in soapy water. I currently had him wrapped in a big fluffy towel while his hair was all spiky on the sides.

Gulf: He sleepily opens the door with a smile as he looks at Dean all wrapped up. "Hi babe."

Mew: I continue to dry him off before picking him up in my arms and walking over to Gulf to kiss him softly on the cheek. "Good morning sleepy head."

Gulf: He points behind him toward the bedroom door. "Ohm just stopped by he said that he has a few minutes before he has to go back to the station if you want to meet him in the garden. If you want I can give Lily her bath when she wakes up. Dean can wait here with me until I can take them both down for breakfast. We can meet downstairs when your done."

Mew: "Are you sure?"

Gulf: He just nods once before yawning and reaching out to pull Dean into his own arms. "You've already done enough just by letting me sleep a little bit longer, I'm usually the one having to do everything. I know that you want to talk to your dad. Go figure things out, we'll be here for you when you're done."

Mew: Wanting one more kiss I pull him into me by the waist and softly kiss his plump lips before leaning down and kissing Dean's cheek. "I'll be right back."

As soon as I took a step away from him and moved toward the door I could feel myself getting nervous again. Telling Off about this was one thing but actually talking to Ohm was a little intimidating. I didn't want him to blame himself or anything for the way I was raised because it made me who I am today and he had no idea to begin with.

The entire time I was walking down the stairs and across the house I started to recall the last 29 years that I've been alive. I think I had meant it when I said I wouldn't change anything.

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