Part 15

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**Mew's POV**

It was too quiet!

After training today, I decided to hang out with Off in his room before I had to go home later on tonight. My father called me yesterday telling me that I had to go home for a few hours tomorrow night no matter what schedule I had. So here I am trying to feel relaxed as much as possible before I have to deal with that guy and I feel like it was way too quiet. Off had been talking for a bit and then he went silent. 

What the hell is he doing?

I look away from my book for a second before seeing him with his phone practically in my face.

Mew: I block my face with my arm as I drop my book on top of my hands for extra protection. "What the hell are you doing Off?"

Off: He grin at me when I peak out from the side and show me his phone. "I thought Gulf might like to see what it was you were up to today."

All I could see was a picture of me staring off in space with my thoughts and then the little message Gulf sent him underneath it...

All I could see was a picture of me staring off in space with my thoughts and then the little message Gulf sent him underneath it

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Gulf: "He looks so peaceful, I wish I could see him. Today hasn't been that great. Please look after him for me."

I could feel my face turning 3 new shades of red as I sit up and place my book against his bed stand.

Off: "Why are you avoiding him? I thought you were going to talk to him about everything."

Mew: I let out a sigh and look at the ceiling. "I'm not really avoiding him I'm just trying to think about what I'm supposed to say to him. I'm kind of new to the whole expressing your feelings thing. It makes me feel weird."

Off: "Soooo your being a woos then?"

Mew: I turn to roll my eyes at him before moving to stand up. "Don't act like you wouldn't still be single right now if you hadn't run into Gun on the stair well. Your just as much of a "woos" as I am."

Off: "Fine, but I can't make excuses for you forever. You need to talk to him. There's only so many things I can tell him your doing in a day."

Mew: "Don't worry I will."

Right than the alarm on my phone went off and I let out a sigh, I guess it's time for me to get ready.

I really don't want to go home...

I guess my older brother Is there right now and my father has some big announcement to make too at the party he's hosting.

Thankfully I only have to be there for the first few hours and then I'm aloud to leave.

Mew: I look over at Off as I'm changing into one of his nicer suits that I knew fit me too. "Are you going to come with me?"

Off: "Of course, don't I always go back with you?"

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now