Part 19

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**Off's POV**

I could see that Gun was worried but I didn't think there was anything to worry about. I figured she was just processing everything before saying anything, ever since the first time I met her I could tell that she was a smart woman. Other than the burst of laughter earlier, her emotions were pretty hidden.

Once dinner was finished the cute little girl pulled Gun away from me and I could feel Davika staring at the back of my head. 

She really knew how to play the older sister role that's for sure...

Not wanting to leave Gun alone I silently follow them to the door frame of Faiths room.

She made him sit on the floor as she continued to pack plastic food into his lap, I just shoved my hands into my pockets and silently watched them with a smile on my face.

Faith: "Momma says that these foods are bad for me so she got me these instead because there pretty without me getting sick."

Gun: He begins to smile at her and it made my heart feel light. "You're a lucky girl to have a mom that cares so much."

Faith: She starts to pout at Gun before continuing her mission of piling as many plastic foods into his lap as she could. "Momma loves you more though, she's always complaining about you. I heard a kid in my class say that when others are worried about you that means they love you."

Gun: "Your mom is one of the most caring people I know."

Faith: I silently watched feeling happy as she yawned and began messing up the pile she had worked so hard to make and then crawls into his lap. "uncle Gun should try to be better, Momma is worried about you."

Honestly that is really cute, I never knew that he was this good with kids, this entire experience today made me yearn for a family with him...

Gun: My entire body began to tense as I watched tears fall down his face. "I'm sorry..."

Babe don't cry...

Faith: She reaches up and pokes his cheek. "Why are you crying?"

Gun: He lets out a shaky breath before answering. "I'm a bad brother."


Maybe I shouldn't have been so bold today, I don't want him to beat himself up over us being together. I haven't told him this yet but I'm planning on talking to Mew about resigning from my position. If I resigned and got a job here then it wouldn't be so hard on Gun all the time.

Faith: She starts to squish his cheeks together before resting her head against his shoulder and closing her eyes sleepily. "I don't think so."

Gun: I was about to walk in to help him get to bed when he started to cry and slowly drifts off to sleep before whispering. "Thank you..."

Watching this entire interaction was slowly killing my heart, I didn't like seeing him in pain.

As my thoughts began to wander I felt a gentle tap on my shoulder. Turning around slowly I could see Davika gesturing for me to follow her into the living room. Not wanting to cause any more problems I nodded and silently followed behind her. 

For a little while we were just sitting there awkwardly looking at the floor while she massaged the top of her left hand because of nerves.

Davika: She lets out a sad sigh before looking up at me. "If your with him just to fill a void or because your bored than I want to ask you to please stop... Gun has always been strong headed and adventurous, he doesn't know how to follow rules and if there was danger right Infront of his face he wouldn't know it. I don't want to watch him getting hurt because someone doesn't know how to live their own life..."

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now