Part 34

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**Gun's POV**

Today was a decent day, I guess what I needed was to see Off break down last night because it opened my eyes to how much I was affecting everyone around me by sulking over something I wasn't able to control anymore.

I know Off is right...

None of this is Gulf's fault but it's hard to look at him without seeing his parents. I know it's not fair to him but I'm trying my best right now. At least I can try and not be such an asshole like I have been the last 3 weeks.

As I was walking out of the bedroom I saw Off making coffee in the kitchen with Faith attached to his leg. Since he was on leave right now to recover from his broken ribs he' been staying home with Faith instead of sending her to a sitter like I use to. It was actually pretty cute to watch.

Last night Off was a lot more gentle with me than usual and it was kind of refreshing. I hadn't notice how much I had missed him until I had gotten the urge to kiss him. At least It will be easier to go to work today than it used to be. Oh and I don't have to hide it when I'm in pain anymore either, fuck everyone that shuns us for our relationship.

He is everything to me...

Gun: I come up behind him and wrap one arm around his waist as I kiss his shoulder and use my other hand to rub the top of Faiths head. "Good morning you two."

Off: He looks at me over his shoulder with a small smile before whispering. "I see you're in a good mood this morning. Any particular reason hmm?"

Gun: I hold in a smile as I press my face into the nook of his neck to hide my red cheeks. "You know why..."

Off: "I know but I wanted to see you blush, I missed it..."

Gun: Mumbling. "Jerk..."

Off: He turns around in my arm with a quiet Faith on his leg who was just staring at us with a grin. "I know you love me trouble maker."

Gun: "I really do."

Faith: She adjusts from his one leg and wraps her other arm around mine. "But I love both of you."

We laugh at how she needed to be included as he sets down his coffee and bends down to pick her up in his arms. It made me cringe a tiny bit because I knew he wasn't supposed to be doing any heavy lifting but he said that lifting her wasn't any problem.

Off: She begins to giggle as he carries her to the couch. "And we love you." He sets her down with a soft grunt before settling into the couch. "It's almost time for Gun to go to work, why don't you go and put your shoes on so we can walk with him."

Faith: She hop's off the couch with a grin before running down the hallway to her room. "Wait for me I'll be right back!"

This is nice...

Gun: Moving from my spot in the kitchen I walk over to Off and crawl into his lap before kissing him gently. "I'm sorry I've been so difficult lately."

Off: He wraps his arms around my waist with a small smile. "It's okay, I'll always be here for you if you need me."

Gun: "I always will

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Gun: "I always will."

Faith: "Grossss."

We start to laugh as we watch her stick her tongue out with a disgusted look on her face.

Gun: I crawl out of his lap and chase after her before pulling her into a hug and attacking her cheeks with kisses. "Were gross huh? Well now your gross too."

Faith: She begins to playfully pout. "You're so mean."

All of a sudden Off's phone alarm starts to go off and we all scramble to finish getting ready before bolting out the front door.

For the first time since I started working again I actually decided to allow them to hold my hands. 

Now I can't even remember why I didn't want to before, they have become my family and I need to cherish them while I can. I only need to learn once that you never know when the last time you see someone will actually be the last time. 

We need to cherish as many moments as we can.

Yea there were plenty of people that stared at us and belittled us for what we have done but I couldn't change what happened. This is my reality and I need to except it.


It had been a few hours since I had started cleaning Gulf's room and he still hadn't come in like he usually does to bother me. The sad part about that was I was afraid that he had given up on me right when I was ready to stop acting like a child.

I really miss him...

With a heavy sigh I fluff his pillows and throw them back onto the bed before heading to the bathroom. It's funny cause he thinks I hate cleaning but I really don't I actually enjoy cleaning quiet a lot. I just don't like that people treat me like cleaning is the only thing I'm good for. 

It's a little fucked up.

I was in the middle of scrubbing the tub when I heard his door creak open and light footsteps.

Gun: "Gulf is that you?" Pulling off my gloves I slowly get up and head out of the bathroom to find Gulf just standing in the middle of his room like a fucking zombie. I walk up to him and wave a hand In front of his face to see if he was okay. "Gulf are you okay?"

Gulf: He turns his head to me and I could see the pain in his eyes but his expression was so blank it was scaring me. He opens his mouth to speak but nothing would come out. "..."

I didn't know what the fuck was going on to make him be like this but it was starting to scare me.

Grabbing his arms I pull him over to the bed and set him down, before heading to the bathroom real quick to turn off the water that was running in the tub still but when I went back into the bedroom Gulf was gone.

Gun: "Gulf!" I heard noises to my left from his closet and that's when my heart dropped. Oh god what could possibly be so wrong to where he would be hiding in here again. I pull open the doors and stare at him curled into the corner of the closet. "Gulf what's wrong?"

When he was little he would hide in his closet when he was scared, sad or too angry to where he was afraid he was going to hurt someone. He hasn't done this since Ann passed. He stayed in his closet for 2 weeks when she died...

Gulf: He doesn't actually answer me though as he stares down at his pants before pulling out his phone and starts to call someone. It was like I didn't even exist anymore. "M-mom? Is Xi still okay with getting married?... Tell her I'll do it as soon as possible, I don't care anymore..."

With that he hangs up the phone and shows the first lick of emotion since he's come in here by throwing his phone against the wall with an angry yell.

What the fuck happened to him?!?

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now