Part 9

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(I just wanted to let you know that I will no longer be writing the trigger and violence warnings at the beginning of my chapters. At this point in the story I have realized that this is a tragic love story that needs to show its pain and obstacles before its happiness and peace. If you get to a part that you can no longer bring yourself to read than that's okay, you can always just skip to the next chapter. Everyone has their own preferences.  :)  Before I go I would like to thank all of my old and new readers with all of my heart for enjoying my collection of slightly twisted love story's.)

**Gulf's POV**

** Three Weeks Later**

Gun: "When are you going to tell me what happened that night? It's been three weeks and you've been way too quiet about it."

Looking away from him I just press my lips together as I try to conceal my smile and stare at the floor as the memories of that day came back to me. It was one of the saddest and happiest days of my life, call me selfish but I didn't really want to share it with anyone.

I didn't see Mew's kiss as a thing of passion or anything. I actually think he was doing it as a defense mechanism. Everyone in this stupid place thinks that I don't pay attention since I'm always giddy and hyper but I've been stuck in these walls for years and that gave me a lot of time to study people and from what I can gather from Mew in our last few encounters is that he is a kind and gentle man that hides behind a cold and distant mask because he's afraid of getting hurt and hurting others. I can respect him for that but I also feel bad for him at the same time. No one should ever be that alone, I would know...

Even if he uses his childish acts to try and push me away, I have decided that I am determined to try and be his friend. He could really use more of them and apparently I have all the time in the world. The past few weeks Mew has actually been avoiding me and I found out that he doesn't stay in his room on a normal bases but no one would tell me where he actually stays when I went looking for him.

It's okay though because I am patient person.

Sooner or later I am going to get him to open up to me so he doesn't have to hide his burden away anymore.

Gulf: "No matter how many times you ask me my answer is always going to be the same. Its none of your business." I stick my tongue out at him like a little kid and close all the books that my parents had been making me read the past few weeks as additional punishment for sneaking out. Which is actually what reminded me of what tonight was. I already know it's going to be another day in my not so fun list. "Plus shouldn't you be getting everything prepared for the party that's being thrown tonight? Your always excited for the event every month. At least one of us is."

Gun: He raises an eyebrow at me as he picks up my books and places them in there spots around the library. "Usually I am running around like a chicken without a head but this month you agreed to take it seriously so I decided that I want to stay by your side and make sure you look good for tonight." He pokes his head out from one of the shelfs to my left. "So I want you to skip your fight training today and let me fix you up."

Oh god not this again. For the past three years he has been asking me if he could do my clothes and makeup for one of these events but I always said no. Yes I like fancy clothes but when it comes to tuxedos and masks then no. Everything is itchy and its annoying that we can't see each other's faces even though everyone already knows each other.

I mean really, what's the point in that?

Gulf: I pout at him as I rest my head in my hand against the table. "Can't I just wear what I usually wear?"

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