Part 41

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**Mew's POV**

My last day here has actually been a lot more exhausting than I had thought it was going to be, everyone wanted to say goodbye and there were a few transfer papers that Zee had failed to mention to me yesterday. It was almost time to go and surprisingly I wasn't that scared or nervous anymore, I was actually a tiny bit excited now.

The only annoying thing about today that was kind of making me sad was that I keep hallucinating Gulf, usually it's only a few times a week but today I've already seen him 3 times. Maybe my brain is trying to convince me to not give up on him and that's why I keep seeing him but it's easier when I just ignore them.

Last time I saw him was during our lunch break at 12 and it kind of scared me because I was in the middle of eating but Sue was sitting next to me and she asked if I was okay, that kind of pulled me out of my weird trance that I had going on. She was not happy that I couldn't finish my food but she has been sticking by my side since than because she's worried.

I keep trying to tell her that everything is okay but I think she can see past my words. Right now I'm just finishing up my paper work and Zee said he would meet me in the lobby at 3.

Sue: She leans over my shoulder with a smile. "You almost done with all that?"

Mew: I stack them all into a pile before placing them in the holder by my computer. "Yea I just finished the last one, I think I'm going to head down stairs now to meet up with Zee, we are supposed to be having a small goodbye gathering at his house before my plane leaves. His family has been really good to me since I've gotten here."

Sue: She pierces her lips together before grinning. "Before you go over there would you like to have one last meal? You skipped lunch after only a few bites."

Mew: I stand up and head for the elevator as she follows me into it. "No its okay, I'm really not that hungry right now."

Sue: She presses the lobby button and begins to lean against the wall. "Are you still over thinking things again?"

Mew: "Yea just a little bit but it's okay you don't have to worry about me."

Sue: "You make it too easy to worry about you. Come on there's that simple place we went to a few days ago, its right on the corner and only a few blocks from your apartment.

Mew: The elevator had stopped and I was about to step out of it. "Really it's okay."

Sue: She takes a step out of the elevator first with a grin as I walk up next to her. "You know that you have to leave in a few hours and I told you, if you skip another meal I'm going to drag you to the nearest restaurant."

Mew: I couldn't help but laugh at that, it reminded me of the conversation we had the other night, she really does like to make threats. "Sue you know that I just want to go home and relax a little bit with Zee before I have to head to the airport, I can just eat there."

Sue: "Not good enough, at least let me buy you a coffee."

I was about to answer her but the next thing I knew I was having another allusion right in the middle of the fucking lobby and I didn't want anyone see me panic so I tried to stay as calm and composed as possible.

This time he was smiling the way that always made my heart melt and he was being more cute than usual. He was wearing white pants and a blue stripped button up shirt. The thing that made my heart hurt was the little teddy he was holding. It reminded me of the time I once told him about this stuffed bear named Mr. Pickles I use to run around with all the time when I was about 6 years old.

Gulf: "Hi Mew, it's been a long time. Can we talk?"

I felt empty as my mind began to realize that I might really be going insane. Now I'm hallucinating him talking to me, I'm fucking screwed...

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