Part 39

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**Hello my little sprinkles!! I just wanted to take a quick minute to apologize for not being able to update for 3 days. It has been very hectic and I was very busy but I am going to work hard and try to get out some extra chapters per day so that I can still meet my deadline on January 3rd like I promised. Thank you for your patience. **

**Mew's POV**

Beep, Beep, Beep...

Feeling a slight pain in my neck I turn onto my side and smack the top of my alarm clock. I know using a phone alarm would probably be easier but I don't really trust it anymore. There was this one time where I needed to be at work a few hours early for a meeting so I set my alarm but it never went off and then I ended up waking up 3 hours late and it threw my entire internal clock off. 

My daily routine was messed up for a week.

Mew: After laying back down I just stare at the ceiling blankly and groan to myself before whispering. "Good morning Mew, it's another morning alone..."

Not wanting to cry again first thing in the morning I throw off the blankets and head for my bathroom. I tried to move my neck around a bit because it felt stiff but I don't think it did much help.

Mew: Already feeling done with today I just glare into the mirror. "You're a pathetic excuse for a human being..."

No matter how much time I have to spend here, I'll never let Zee catch onto how fucking miserable I really am. 

The only thing that has been keeping me going is hope.

With a sigh I move to turn on the shower and wait for the water to get warmer.

As steam began to form I took a step in, not minding that the water was burning my skin. When the water is hot enough it almost feels like I can melt away my past self and be reborn but I knew that as soon as I get out reality will be their to greet me...

I don't know how long I stood under the boiling water thinking about all the things I could have done differently but I do know that It was time for me to stop.

Turning off the faucet I get out and began to dry off before wrapping the towel around my waist.

I wasn't surprised when I looked into the mirror and saw Gulf standing next to me, I tend to hallucinate him quiet often now but I try my best to ignore them. It's almost like he's haunting me but also keeping me company at the same time.

Feeling agitated again I glare into the mirror and walk out.

This is my reality now...

Walking out of the bathroom, my second alarm begins to go off.

I guess it's time for coffee now.

After getting dressed in the only suit I had left in my closet because everything else was at the cleaners, I grab my brief case and head for my kitchen. Thankfully I won't have to cook breakfast this morning because after dinner with Sue last night she had invited me to breakfast and I didn't see why not so I figured I should skip my breakfast and morning workout just for today.

All I needed to wake up was a nice cup of black coffee and that's exactly what I made before walking out of my apartment complex. It was nice that the small family owned restaurant she wanted to meet at was only a few blocks down from my home. It was also nice that Zee and his family didn't bother me while I was leaving like they usually do.

I love my brother but his overly brotherly love tends to drive me insane when he smothers me 24/7 a day.

As I was making my way down the street I could see that the weather really was not the best right now and I began to wish that I had brought my umbrella with me.

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