Part 3

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**Gulf's POV**

**Present Day**

Gun: He walks into my room as I'm sitting on my window seal watching the people walk around town past the walls that are always keeping me inside. "Your still sitting here? I left you here two hours ago. Why haven't you showered yet?"

Gulf: "Do you think Ann would let me leave these walls if I wanted to great the people? She always told me that I needed to treat my people like my family and friends but I'm never allowed to leave the castle."

Gun: He sits down next to me and rubs my back as he follows where my gaze is landing. "I think Ann would be proud of you no matter what you do as long as it's something that makes you happy. It's been 3 years gulf, she would want you to get married already."

Oh god not him too...

I already have my parents pressuring me to get married ever since my birthday passed and it's just not something I want to do. Every freaking month on the first. My family throws a royal ball to try and find me a suitor. Man or woman they don't care as long as I have a suitor before my next birthday. If I don't choose my own suitor before that time than there going to arrange my marriage with the child of one of my father's colleagues. 

They've been telling me this since I was 18. "you need to find a suitor before your 21st birthday or were going to find one for you." I mean just how annoying can they be?

Why do I need a suitor to be able to take my spot on the thrown anyways?

What's so special about it?

Gulf: I give him my biggest sad puppy dog eye pout I could. "Can't I just rule the city by myself? It's not even a big city either, there's what 35,000 people here? How hard could that be."

Gun: He lets out a sigh as he looks out my window again while shaking his head. "That's beside the point, being married is your family's tradition for decades, you can't just break the tradition. it doesn't work that way."

Gulf: "But I don't want to marry someone I don't love."

Gun: He flicks my forehead playfully. "That's why they decided to give you 3 years to choose yourself dummy."

Gulf: I rub my head feeling annoyed. "Yea but its only from people that go to those stupid party's. How do you think they would feel if I fell in love with someone normal?"

Gun: "They would lose their shit and forbid it."

Gulf: "Exactly! It's just not fair Gun..."

He goes silent for a second and that made me turn toward him to see him rubbing his ears. Which was something he only did when he was nervous or hiding something.

Gulf: "What?"

Gun: He drops his hand and sighs before glancing at me. "If I snuck you out tonight to go into town to look around will you promise me that when we get back you will take the choosing ceremony's more seriously from now on?..."

I stood up suddenly as excitement filled my body and I smiled widely at the confused boy sitting Infront of me.

Gulf: I walk up to him and shake his shoulders. "Are you being serious?"

Gun: He grabs me so that I can stop shaking him so aggressively. "Yes I'm being serious but only if you promise me that you will start to take this seriously."

Gulf: I hold up my right hand trying to be serious but end up not being able to stop smiling. "I promise I will actually look for a suitor if you bring me into town. All I really want is to feel free for a night. I've been locked up in these stupid castle grounds my entire life."

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now