Part 5

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**Gun's POV**

I knew this was a bad idea.

Maybe I shouldn't have brought Gulf here, especially on a weekend night. Why didn't I think about the possibility of running into some of the special members of lotus. 

Of course Gulf wouldn't be afraid because he is never allowed to learn about the bad things that happen outside of the castle walls but these guys are no joke. I've heard that they have killed a lot of people and that the boss is ruthless to the bone.

That Mew guy is terrifying, I don't even want to be in the same building as him. 

What did Gulf mean when he said that Mew looked sad? 

All I saw was a death glare, which I'm pretty use to at this point. My status in the castle walls isn't that great but I try the best I can. A lot of people say that I'm only kind to Gulf because he's the prince but that's not true.

I worry about him.

Who is going to take care of him since Ann isn't here anymore. His family never sees him unless he's done something wrong and they refuse to eat meals with him so who else does he have? 

At first I felt bad for him when we were little kids but the more I get to know him I feel like he is probably one of the most innocent and pure people I have ever met and I want to protect that.

I don't want him to get hurt, he deserves so much more than what he has. Everyone thinks he's a spoiled brat but really he's just a lonely boy that misses being loved.

Once I was done doing my business and thinking about what we should do because I don't want him to get in trouble, I push open the door and end up running right into someone. Without looking up I bowed my head and headed for the sink.

Gun: "I'm sorry. I've had a little to drink tonight, please forgive me."

I felt a hand on my waist as someone turns me around.

Off: He firmly holds me against his chest as he looks at me with a soft smile. "Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong."

Shit, what should I do!!

Gun: I move my gaze to the door feeling worried that someone is going to see us. "Y-you shouldn't do this, someone might see us and get the wrong idea."

Off :He raises an eyebrow at me as a grin grows on his face before leaning forward so close that I could feel the tip of his nose against mine. "Wrong idea about what? Hmmm?"

Gun: I push him away slowly as I try not to hurt him and stare down at my shoes. "Servants are not allowed to be with anyone higher than a cook. You are a member of Lotus. This could get me in a lot of trouble if his majesty is in a bad mood and somebody misunderstands our relationship."

Too many servants had been wiped and beaten for misunderstandings of being intimate with a guard or higher.

Off: He takes a step back and bows to me before leaning against the wall. "I apologize, I didn't think that you guys had rules like that still. I was just playing, if anyone was to report you I would have cleared up any misunderstandings so don't worry about it okay."


He's so much kinder than I would have thought he was, everyone always says that he is just as dark and distant as his best friend. I think they were wrong though, he's actually kind of goofy.

I try to bring a hand up to my face before I burst into a fit of laughter but it was too late, I was kneeling over from laughter as a wave of confusion and then concern crossed over his face.

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now