Part 27

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**Mew's POV**

Yes I did feel guilty leaving Gulf back there all alone but I needed to make sure that Off was okay.

Since I was a guard I was aloud down below and no one stopped me as I made my way to Off's cell.

Number 2 was all the way on the far side and It smelled bad down here. I could hear the doctor talking to himself before I even came into view of the cell but when I did, all I could see was Off unconscious laying on a straw cot.

His shirt was currently off and I could see the deep purple and black bruises around his ribs and left shoulder.

My body was vibrating with furry as I take a step into the cell and sit across from the doctor as he cleans the wound on his forehead.

I want to kill whoever the fuck did this to him, he did not deserve any of this...

Doctor: "He's in pretty rough shape, he was 7 cracked ribs, 4 on one side and 3 on the other. Which will take about 3 or more months to heal. On top of that he has a concussion and a dislocated shoulder which I can fix but once he wakes up he can't lift anything heavy until after his ribs are healed and fixed.

Mew: Under my breath. "Fuck..."

Doctor: He glances at me with a raised eyebrow. "Exactly. I don't know who he pissed off but they got him pretty good. Try and take better care of him okay?" He turns to leave after covering him in bandages and medicine. "By the way, don't let him move around. I have him in a drug induced comma right now, it will take at least 10 hours to wear off as long as we don't give him anymore but if he does end up freaking out when he wakes up give him this." he places a needle on the bench next to me before heading back to the door. "That will give you around 6 hours to figure out how to calm him down."

Mew: I just stare at the needle as he walks out. "Thank you..."

Resting my head on my hands I try to think of what the fuck to do.

This wasn't supposed to happen.

I was supposed to talk to his dad and everything was supposed to be okay.

All of a sudden I heard a lot of noises and shouting. Then I see some of the guards dragging a body into the cell next to this one.

Who the hell is that?

Then I see the last person I wanted to see tonight.

Perth: He pokes his head into the cell and glances at Off's lifeless body lying next to me before glancing at me with a wince. "Uhm Mew, the king asked to speak to you. He wants to discuss Off's charges."

Mew: I just roll my eyes with a sigh of anger. "Fuckk..." I glance at his face and feel slightly bad for being so rough with him, I understand he was just doing his job but still... "I'm uh sorry for your face."

Perth: He just shakes his head with a weak smile. "It's okay, I deserve it." He point's in Off's direction. "Is he going to be okay?"

Mew: "yea he'll be okay in a few months, he's currently sleeping but I need to get him out of here as soon as I can."

Perth: "I'm glad to hear that, we should probably get going now though before the king gets upset."

Mew: I glance behind me at Off's body and feel a little guilty as I walk out of the cell and close the door before whispering. "I'll be right back..."

The walk back to the throne room was mentally draining and that's when I remembered the body that they had just dragged in all torn up.

Mew: I grab Perth's shoulder to get him to stop walking for a second. "Who was that person you guys just dragged in."

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now