Part 20

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**Gulf's POV**

This is embarrassing...

So after Gun and Off left, Mew decided to tell me the plan of how he was going to sneak me out of here and I did not like the plan.

Not one bit!

It's been about 30 minutes now since I've been stuck in the trunk of his car, yep that was his brilliant idea. Every time he hit a bump my entire body decides to roll to the other side without my help. This will be going on my list of top 5 least favorite memory's.

Gulf: I turn the light on Mew's phone as I try to adjust my eyes to the darkness. "I really don't want to do this again on the way back..."

Feeling bored I decide to rummage through his phone for the next 30 min. After messing around for a little bit I stoped when I notice something.

The night of the ball, Mew had secretly taken a picture of me laughing, a small smile creeps onto my face as I scroll through the pictures. He really has liked me since then...

Sneakily I send the picture to myself and make it my wall screen. I know that it's a picture of me but it's a picture that Mew took.

I think it's really cute.

Honestly I don't know why he gave me his phone since it's only an hour drive but he was very insistent just in case mine died. Has anyone's phone ever died in an hour before? I don't think so.

When I am king I'm going to allow everyone to be more free, I don't want anyone else to have to experience what peoples luggage feel like...

I guess looking through his phone was a good distraction though because the car stops and then the trunk pops open after a few more minutes. Covering my eyes I squint up at him as he looks down at me with an apologetic smile and gives me a hand to get out.

Mew: Once I was on the ground again he cups my cheeks and gives me a gentle kiss. "I'm sorrrry, I promise it will be worth it."

Gulf: Wrapping my arms around his neck I smile at him feeling better already because I was able to stretch now, just being truly alone with him for 2 days is enough for me. "It's okay, I guess I can let it slide for a day. What's on our to-do list now?"

Mew: "Well I would like to show you where were staying first and then I was thinking we could do a little bit of hiking. I did some research on this place and there was something I wanted to show you."

Oooo, I love surprises!!

Gulf: I pull him into a hug as his body begins to tense. "I can't wait, I'm so happy..."

Mew: He gently kisses the side of my head before removing my arms from his neck and grabbing my hand. "Come with me."

I happily obeyed and followed him through what looked like a trail. I guess wherever were staying you can't get there by car. That's kind of cool, there's no way anyone could think to find us out here. We walked for at least 5 minutes until a small log cabin came into view and my mind started to race with excitement.

Gulf: I point at it with a grin like a little kid. "Were staying here?"

Mew: He pulls a set of keys out of his pocket before making our way to the front door. "Do you like it?"


Gulf: "It's beautiful..."

We made our way inside after Mew unlocked the door and it was just way too much to take in, this place was really nice. How the hell did he have the time to arrange this?

Mew: He points to the couch in the far corner before taking a step back toward the door. "I'm going to go get our luggage."

Gulf: "Do you need any help?"

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now