Part 8

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**Mew's POV**

God everything hurts like a motherfucker right now.

I suck in a deep breath as I realize that im laying on my chest in my bed at the castle. They smell like that stupid soap they use all the time. I wish I was in the library right now though. It's the only place I ever feel safe and myself.

Mew: I groan as I try to sit up in a sitting position as I see someone sitting in a chair across the room at my desk but it was too dark to see right now so I just figured it was Off since he'd be the only one to ever be in here at this hour. "Off? Can you tell me what happened? My mind is a little fuzzy at the moment and everything burns again. You would think I'd be use to pain by now."

That made me chuckle to myself as I slowly got off the bed and made my way to the bathroom. Honestly I didn't care if Off saw me like this anymore, showing him my pain was easier than showing my happiness.

Not like I'm very happy person to begin with.

After shutting the door behind me I glance in the mirror at my back and sigh in dissapointment, it still looks like shit but at least off seemed to get better at cleaning wounds because these bandages didn't seem to stick to everything like they usually do.

Now why the hell can't I remember what happened though?

That's when I turned back around though and ended up seeing the royal crest symbol burned into my chest. Which is when the wave of everything that happened rushed into my head.


Feeling panicked I make my way to the bathroom door and slowly pull it open hoping that it will be Off in my room like I first thought it was.

Please let me be remembering wrong...

As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom I saw who I was dreading to see sitting at my desk with a mirror facing his back as he attempts to clean the very deep gashes on it.

I felt sick.

I got the prince injured...

Mew: My hands start to shake as I look at him like I've lost my mind. "What are you doing in here?"

Gulf: He shifts his attention to me as a big smile crawls over his face. "Your finally awake! I'm so glad you're okay. How does your back feel? Was I able to patch everything up decently? I've only ever cleaned up wounds that Gun gets when working around the castle so I hope I was able to do a decent job."

He's insane, I officially think he's insane.

Mew: I smack him against the top of his head. "Are you out of your mind? Why did you interfere?"

Gulf: He pouts at me and rubs the back of his head. "Oww. I was just trying to help. It didn't seem like you were going to be able to handle much more so I took what you couldn't."

Mew: "You have no idea how much I can handle."

Gulf: He looks down at his feet and then sighs. "I wanted to thank you for taking the blame for everything. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have had to gone through that to begin with..."

I could see that he was only doing a half assed job on himself since his wounds were on his back.

Mew: I move behind him and grab the tools on my table that he was using to clean. "Don't do anything like that again okay? You shouldn't be getting hurt for anyone, no one will be able to love you if you have too many scars."


Gulf: Whispering as he stares st me through the mirror. "Is that what you think of yourself? That no one is going to love you because of your back and that's why you don't care about how many you get anymore..."

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now