Part 25

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**Off's POV**

As we were walking around I continued to glance at my phone because Mew was asking me to stall to as close to 8 as I could since their preparations weren't going as smoothly as planned. Thankfully we had decided to bring Faith along because she continued to drag us from one place to another and it was truly making me feel more calm.

At first I was tense when we got here but after Gun attacked me and not being able to spot one visible person that we knew this entire time, I allowed myself to stop being so tense and actually enjoy myself.

The weird thing about that though, was that as soon as I started to calm down Gun started getting jumpy and I wasn't really sure why. I checked everywhere, we were completely fine.

Of course Faith was completely oblivious to our weird mood swings as she spotted a face painting stand.

Faith: She comes over to me and tugs on my shirt before pointing over to the stand. "Can I do that? It looks pretty."

Gun: He just leans toward me with a small laugh. "You might as well just do what she says at this point."

I tried to not grin from the cuteness overload this was giving me.

Off: I walk over to the stand with her holding my hand and pay the lady for the butterfly design that Faith continued to point at. "Where going to be right over there until you're done, go to us as soon as your done okay?" She just nods her head excitedly before sitting down as the lady starts to paint. With a small sigh I walk back over to Gun and kiss his cheek. "You know today is your birthday right?"

Gun: He points to where Faith was giggling. "I know but seeing her happy is enough for me. Davika and I work all the time so she is usually home alone for the majority of every year and if I can spend one day just watching her be happy than its worth it. She is a really good girl and deserves so much more than we are able to give her right now."

Off: I just pull him to my side as he rests his head against my shoulder. "I'm sorry Gun..."

Gun: He looks up in surprise. "Why? You didn't do anything."

Off: "I just feel guilty that I never really knew how much you guys have to sacrifice. I always learn bits and pieces and then I learn more and more and it just made me feel sad."

Gun: "Don't. It's the reality of this life, we've all adjusted the best we could ever since we learned to talk. Faith has never complained about it before and actually tells us to sleep on the days that we do have off. She is the most selfless 5 year old I know. Today Is a nice exception for her."

Off: I kiss the top his head as Faith starts to run toward us. "I guess I'm just going to have to celebrate your birthday with you later tonight." I could see him trying to hold in a smile as I leaned closer to his ear before whispering. "Don't worry I'm going to make sure I make you moan my name, we have all night long..."

Gun: He looked flustered as he smacks my arm and grabs Faiths hand before walking away as a smile creeps onto his face. "Such a dirty mind."

Off: Calling after him. "You know you love it!"

He just looks back at me with a small grin.

It was like this for a while, I just silently followed behind him and watched him being cute with Faith, it made my heart feel warm.

I am going to fight for this relationship...

Just one more week and I'll be able to love him freely with no restrictions.

He'll officially be mine.

It was around 7:45 when he stopped in an old antique store and began to stare at a watch that was quite nice but looked a little expensive. I could see that he wanted it but just kept walking around the store while pulling Faith with him. While he was distracted on the other side of the store I walked over to the watch case and pointed at the one he was looking at to the store clerk.

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now