Part 17

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**Mew's POV**

**Two Months Later**

I am losing my shit, there is only a month left before my dad forces me to marry that girl Aim and I still haven't been able to tell Gulf about it.

Mew: I let out my frustration on the punching bag that Off was holding as he grunts from each hit. "W-we still haven't come up with an e-effective plan to where Gulf won't get hurt. There's only a month left Off." I decide to kick it and it made Off take a step back from the impact. "Dammit..."

Off: He lets out a grunt before unstrapping the bag and pulling it off his arm. "I understand that your stressed out, but can you please not break me in the process."

Mew: I let out a sigh and sit down on the bench. "I'm sorry, I always seem to take my anger out on you. You just make a really good punching bag."

Off: He starts to grin to himself as he sits next to me. "I don't understand why I'm such an easy target, aren't I even a little bit intimidating?"

Mew: I look at him and try not to laugh because I knew he was one of the softest people I know. "Nope, not at all. Why do you ask?"

Off: He rubs the back of his head and glances at the floor as his face starts to turn red. "Gun and I kind of broke my bed a few days ago. It wasn't even my fault though. He might look small but holy shit he has a lot of energy. Don't get me wrong, it's amazing but I am really tired all the time now and eat almost twice as much as I use to."

I try to imagine what he's telling me and it made me bust out laughing. No matter how hard I try I can't see it but I knew it was true because Off has been stupid tired lately, I'm surprised he even agreed to train with me today.

Off: He looks at me with a lop sided smile before poking me in the arm. "You have no right to laugh, once you actually do something with Gulf you'll understand my pain."

Mew: That made the smile disappear from my face as a wave of guilt began to wash over me again. "I don't deserve to sleep with him. He has been very insistent with it but I just can't get myself to cross that line. I'm engaged to someone else, when he has no idea. It would be fucked up of me if I went any further with him."

Off: "Yea but the engagement isn't your idea, you don't want it and you've been staying up all night for the past two months to try and come up with ideas to end it. You even thought about hiring someone to sabotage your fathers company but you're afraid it'll trace itself back to you and then Gulf will get hurt. Mew your trying your best, don't beat yourself up too much."

Mew: "It's not fair to him though..."

Off: "It might not be fair but you can't keep beating yourself up for trying to keep him alive. Your dad is blackmailing you into this marriage, it is not your fault." He turns away from me and rummages around in his bag before handing me an envelope. "Here take these. There's a receipt for a purchase of a log cabin on the far side of the lake for tomorrow and Sunday. It's about an hour drive from here. I was going to surprise Gun and take him but I can see that you guys need this more than I do."

Mew: I try to hand it back to him. "I can't take this."

Off: He holds up a hand to stop me. "Don't worry, you are the first person I have mentioned this too so nobody will even know that you guys left."

Mew: Feeling even more guilty than before. "But I..."

Off: He stands up and messes up my hair with a smile. "Don't fight me on this, I want you to take it." He leans down and whispers in my ear before walking away. "Try and enjoy yourself Mew, it will only be the two of you. Don't think about reality when your there. Just love your boyfriend and be happy. I'm sure we can figure this out. Once you guys get back, we can get back to spending every minute coming up with a plan. Okay?"

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now