Part 35

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**Off's POV**

Faith: She comes running around the corner as I was sitting on the couch reading a book. "Can I help you cook dinner tonight?

Off: I glance over at her and smile as she crawls into my lap and glances at the book in my hands. "Of course you can, you know well have to start soon if you want to be done before Gun gets home from work."

Faith: She looks up from the book and hands me her hands like a present. "I washed my hands already."

Off: I chuckle softly before placing my book down and pulling her in my arms as I stand up and head for the kitchen with her cheering playfully. "I can see that, what do you think Gun wants to eat tonight?"

Faith: Her eyes begin to grow as a grin forms on her face. "How about Phat Kaphrao? It's yummy."

Off: I just shake my head as I set her down on the counter and begin to gather the ingredients. "That does sound yummy but you know that's my favorite dish not his."

Faith: She plays with a pot as I spread everything out on the table. "You know that he'll eat whatever you make, he loves food."

Off: That made me chuckle as I begin to prep the food while she stares at me. "That is true, too bad we have a picky eater in the family."

Faith: She begins to pout. "I'm not picky..."

Off: I raise an eyebrow at her. "Not picky? Who was the one that wasn't allowed to go to bed last night until they finished all of their vegetables?"

Faith: She looks down at the floor with a sad expression on her face. "It's not that I didn't like it, I didn't want you and Uncle Gun to fight again. He always comes home angry and then you guys fight and it makes me sad."

Off: I just rub her head with a smile. "Don't worry you don't have to worry about that anymore, everything is going to be getting better now. I hope..."

Faith: "He looked happy this morning, what made him so happy?"

Off: I couldn't help but grin to myself at the thought of sharing the bed with Gun again, he was so cute... "Let's just say we played an old game that we haven't played in a long time. He uh missed it."

Faith: "Well you should play that game more often because I like seeing him smiling again. He's scary when he's upset."

Off: "I plan on it, I don't want to make him angry anymore. Your gonna see him sliming all the time soon."

Faith: She looks down at her swinging feet with a smile. "I'm glad."


Dinner had only taken a little longer than I had planned because Faith continued to ask questions the entire time but I didn't mind. She was cute when she was curious or talking about Gun. 

Every once in a while she would mention her mom and it broke my heart but I didn't really know what to tell her. I never mentioned to Gun how much Faith talks about her and I don't want to either.

He never ended up going to her funeral and I know it's going to eventually get to him but I'll be there when it does.

There has been an idea brewing in my head the past few days, where I said that if he could calm down and we were able to make up, I would ask him to marry me. 

I don't think its too early because we have already been through more than most married couples have gone through and I just don't want anyone to pull us apart again. The other thing I wanted to bring up with him after we get married is adopting Faith.

I want to make her my daughter, I just don't know how he feels about it...

With a heavy sigh I continued to set up the dinner table when I heard the door slowly opening.

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now