Part 11

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**Gulf's POV**

Mew: I could still feel my hands shaking as he lets out a frustrated sigh. "Fine. You can come..."

Feeling too exhausted with everything that had happened that day, I look down at his feet and try to forget everything. For right now I just want to calm down and try to relax a little bit. 

I can't wait until my hands decide to stop shaking.

Gulf: I softly suck in my lower lip and glance up at him. "Um... Can you help me get up? I can move around a little bit but im afraid that I might fall if I try to walk on my own right now."

Mew: He just nods his head and sits down next to me before looping an arm under mine and pull me up slowly. "Is this okay?"

Gulf: I hold my head in my free hand as everything starts to spin before going still again. "yea I think it's okay, just need to not make as many quick actions for tonight."

Mew: "Than I will try my best to be gentle with you tonight."

Gulf: My cheeks began to turn red as I misinterpret his words because I knew for a fact that, that was not what he had meant. "Uhm, thank you..."

He went silent as he half carried me across my room until he stops and sighs.

Mew: "This is going to take forever if I carry you this way."

Gulf: I felt confused as he moves his arms from under mine and stands Infront of me before crouching down slightly and picking me up from my thighs so that I was full on straddling him with my arms around his neck. "Mew, whatcha doing?"

Mew: He looks in the opposite direction as I stare at him with red cheeks. "I promise I'm not trying to make you uncomfortable, this is just the easiest way to carry you right now until you get more feeling in your body."

Stupid Mew, I wasn't thinking you had any bad intentions.

This is just really embarrassing...

I rest my head against his shoulder as I feel the warmth from his hands gripping my thighs. It was hard to deny the face that he was actually really strong if he's able to carry me like this down 2 flights of stairs and 15 minutes of walking to the other side of the building. 

I noticed that some of the workers were staring at us as he made his way out of the castle, all I could do was hide my face in his neck. I think I was accidently giving him goosebumps though while breathing against his neck.

Gulf: I mumble against his neck. "I'm sorry, it's just embarrassing for people to look me in the eyes when your carrying me like this."

Mew: His grip got tighter against my thighs for a second before letting up. "It's okay, your just a lot closer to me right now than I usually let anyone."

Gulf: I thought he's been intimate with many people before though, at least that's what the maids that do my laundry like to gossip about. "Haven't you been with woman before though?"

Mew: His entire body tenses up as we begin to walk through the garden as the moon shines brightly. "T-that's different..."

Gulf: I move my face from his neck and stare at him in confusion. "How is it different, if anything I would think that would get more of a reaction out of you than this would. I'm just laying on you."

Mew: He lets out a frustrated sigh as he continues to look forward. "Can we not talk about this right now?"

Gulf: I give him a tiny pout. "But I'm curious now, how is it different?"

Mew: He closes his eyes for a second before answering. I could see that he was contemplating on whether or not he should stay quiet. "I've never cared about any of them, so I never gave a reaction except for the basic instincts."

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now