Part 4

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**Mew's POV**

Today was just like every other day. I woke up and did my usual perimeter check around the compounds. Than around evening I had lunch with Off because we don't like eating alone. Currently I'm just chilling in the library in a crook between two shelves that I had found a few years ago, there was a small bed here so it was perfect to hide and read.

Things have been more quiet recently since my father decided to hand me the business. Like usual he would send a woman to my room once a month but ever since that one day I just go with it now. There's no point in me loving anyone anyway. I am tainted and covered in blood. My body count is just funny at this point.

For me marriage is out the window too. I don't want to bring someone into my life if it's just going to make them a target to everyone that wants me dead. My father liked to make sure that everyone either hated me or feared me while my brothers were able to live peacefully.

I've come to terms with it though, it's better that I'm doing this instead of someone else. I figure that if I had truly given up and killed myself like I wanted to when I was 18 than father would have probably pushed the responsibility onto Off and I wouldn't even wish this on my worst enemy let alone my best friend.

I enjoy hiding in the library, its quiet and disappearing into a book is the only thing that can make me want to smile now. All of the fairy tales in these story's that I read are just so outrageous and envious that it makes me laugh. 

If only I was born as someone else...

What awful things did I do in my past life to deserve this?

I hear a tapping sound and look up from my book to see Off standing beside me with a sad smile on his face.

I hear a tapping sound and look up from my book to see Off standing beside me with a sad smile on his face

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Off: "You okay? Why are you hiding in here again?"

Mew: I close the book with a sigh and turn my body into a sitting position so that my feet were touching the ground again. "I'm okay, just been thinking about a lot lately and you know that I like it in here that's why I told you about it. It allows me to not have to listen to my fathers and everyone else's orders and concerns about perimeter checks and burglars. It's annoying and I'm tired."

Off: He bends down and tugs on my arm to get me to stand on my feet with a small laugh. "oh come on its not that bad, plus you know that Gulf is the royal family's only heir. It's our job to make sure that he's safe."

Mew: I push my him away from me as I grab my black suit jacket and start to walk away. "I still can't believe that we have to watch over such a spoiled kid. Do you have any idea how many times I have heard him complaining about how he's stuck in the castle. So ungrateful..."

Off: He catches up with me and smacks me in the back of the head. "Not everyone grew up the way you did, don't be a dick."

I rub the back of my head and glare at him, that hurt asshole.

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now