Part 38

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**Gulf's POV**

Gun: He pokes me in the face before dropping something on my stomach. "Gulf get up, you need to go see your mother, I don't care what she's done you need to go see her. If you don't you're going to regret it."

Gulf: I shoved my head under my pillow and push away whatever was on top of me before mumbling. "I don't want to go."

Gun: I glance down at him as he pulls the heavy thing off of me which ended up being a suitcase. "I don't care what you want, you're going to go and that's final."

Gulf: I just push myself up onto my arm with a pout. "You know I'm the king right? Not you."

Gun: "Gulf, you know that I don't care what you are. You are my friend and if my friends mom is dying I am going to make him go and see her as her dying wish and make him make up with her until the end."

Gulf: "I thought you hated my parents, why are you helping them?"

Gun: He looks down at his hands as they ball into fists. "I don't hate your parents, only a parent. For me your mom hasn't done anything to make me hate her. I know what she did and yes it was wrong but I still think she deserves at least a final conversation."

Gulf: "Stubborn."

Gun: "Childish."

Gulf: "Trouble maker."

Gun: "Hey..."

Off: He walks into my room with a chuckle before pulling Gun into his arms and then waving a finger at me. "Uh uh, only I can call him that." He tilts Gun's cheek toward him and kisses him softly before whispering. "Isn't that right my little trouble maker?"

Gulf: I just roll my eyes as I stand up from the bed and face my dresser to pull on one of my watches. "If you guys were aiming to make me jealous you have accomplished this."

Gun: "Ahh so the married man can still get jealous?"

Gulf: "Your one to talk, do you never get jealous of your husband being around so many people in one day."

Off: "Hey don't bring me into this, I'm just here to bring Gun home, it's your fault for taking a nap in the middle of the day and now Gun was late for dinner." He looks at Gun with a grin. "You know Faith is freaking out right now right?"

Gun: He lets out a sigh before glancing at me. "She knows that when I don't come home its because this ass is being stubborn."

Gulf: "So unprofessional."

Gun: "Kiss my ass."

Off: He holds his hand up with a small grin. "That is also only my job."

Gulf: I couldn't help but start to laugh. "Off please, just stop."

Gun: He walks into my closet with an eye roll and then comes back out with an arm full of laundry as he throws it into my suitcase. "Are you going to listen to me yet because I will stay here all night if I have to and then you will have to deal with Faith in the morning not us."

Gulf: "Fineee..." I walk over to my suitcase and start to go through it. "But im going to hate every second of it."

Gun: "So be it."

Gulf: I let out a defeated sigh as I finish packing up the rest of my stuff and just sit on my bed. "Your so mean."

Gun: He just smiles and pulls me in for a hug before going over to Off and holds his hand. "I know but you still love me anyways."

Gulf: "Brat."

Gun: "Dense."

Did he seriously just call me dense?

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