Part 44

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**Gulf's POV**

Mew: He leans toward me as we make our way to the Children's rooms and I could see that he was really nervous. "Is there anything I need to know about them?"

Gulf: I shake my head as I gently grab his hand. "You don't have to worry so much, there only two. Lily is a bit clingy but as long as you hold her or give her a hug you'll be fine. With Dean you can either read him a book or play with his stuffed animals."

Mew: "Who are we going to see first?"

Gulf: "Well if I'm right there both going to be in Lily's room, they like to be together even when I try to get them to sleep separately. I've kind of given up on making them sleep apart until they get a bit older. They'll drive each other insane eventually."

Mew: "You know a lot about them."

Gulf: "Of course, I have been putting all of my energy into being a full time parent. I don't want to miss them growing up and I don't want to confine them in these walls like I was. I leave all of the super important decision making and meetings to Off. He might have the job of head guard but I pay him much more than others because I actually have him doing a lot more then he should. I tried to help him once but he said that he enjoyed doing it, he really didn't like working for my father."

Mew: He starts to chuckle as we stop in front of Lily's room. "Yea he hated doing chores when we were younger. He use to throw the biggest tantrums."

Gulf: "Well you guys aren't kids anymore."

Mew: He smiles down at me as he holds my waist and pulls me to him. "Believe me I know, I didn't have you when I was a kid." He leans down and softly sucks on my lower lip before pulling back. "I wouldn't trade anything for this moment. You are mine."

I begin to blush as I gently push him away and look at the door.

Why does he have to be so fucking cute...

It made me want to tell him to forget about meeting the twins till the morning and pull him into our room but I knew that I needed to be good. 

Lily and Dean should be our first priority...

Gulf: I start to push open the door. "Don't say any of those things right now or I'm going to keep thinking of stuff I shouldn't be."

Mew: He leans toward my ear as he whispers. "Are you sure you're not making excuses because your still sore from this afternoon?"

Gulf: I cannot believe he just said that, I was trying really hard not to smile but my face was betraying me. "That has nothing to do with it."

Mew: He moves a hand against my ass before gently squeezing as I suck in a breath. "Are you sure about that?"

Gulf: I adverted my eyes as I walk into the bedroom. I'm going to kill him... "Positive."

I will never admit that I was still a little sore but that really wasn't the reason.

After we check on the kids, he is going to be mine all night...

The first person to notice me was Lily, her eyes grow wide as she crawls out of Jo's lap and runs over to me before latching onto my leg.

Gulf: I crouch down to hug her as Dean see's me too and runs into my arms next to his sister. "I missed you."

Dean: He pokes my face with a soft giggle. "Dada."

Gulf: I kiss his cheek as Jo walks over to me. "I'm home little guy."

I couldn't wait till Lily starts talking too, she babbles but it's not the same.

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