Part 7

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**Warning: Violence and Trigger warnings. Read at your own risks my little sprinkles. This story is definitely a lot darker and tragic than my others but I've grown in love with the characters and find tragic love story's the best ones. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it. Thank you.    :)

**Gulf's POV**

I just stood there silently as Gun and Off made their way out of the throne room.

Why did Gun seem so worried though, I'll be fine.

It's just my dad, yea he can be scary sometimes but I've never seen him hurt anyone.

I didn't know what my father meant by "My son needs to see what happens when people break the rules, he is going to be king soon."

I mean what could he possibly do?

Once everyone was out of the room except for Mew, my father, and then my parents two personal guards. One was called Ohm I think, he was another one of Lotus's main guards that they handpicked and then some random family guard that's been working here for years. I think his name was saint but I'm not fully sure.

I don't really like talking to the guards because some of them either give me the stink eye or look at me like I'm something to eat, It's disturbing.

Everyone was quiet for a while as I just fidgeted with my fingers not really knowing what was going on because Mew was still on his knee's looking at the floor, Ohm and Saint made their way behind Mew and my dad was just sitting there looking partially pissed off and bored.

Well I am use to that face but I've never seen him give it to anyone but me before.

Dad: He stands up and ignores me completely as he stand Infront of Mew and crouches down before placing his hand under his chin and making Mew look up at him. "I hope this helps you understand to never go against my rules again." He looks over at Ohm and Saint before standing up and brushing his hands on his pants. "Brand his chest and give him 15 strikes. Oh and one more thing, don't tell my wife about this. She doesn't like the way I punish people even if it is effective."

Brand him?

What the hell does that mean?

Gulf: I walk over to my dad and place my hand on his arm. "What do you mean by branding him and what are strikes?"

Dad: *sigh* He pulls my hand off his arm with a strong grip and looks at Saint. "After branding this idiot, I want you to hold my son down so he can watch without looking away at what it is that we do to people that don't follow the rules. If he looks away I give you permission to give him 3 strikes. Don't touch his face though, just his back."

Mew: He finally looks up again as my brain is trying to process what's going on. "No, if he looks away add it to mine. I made the mistake, don't punish him for my mistake."

Dad: He chuckles at Mew. "You have balls Mew, fine if my son looks away add two marks to his count. Let's see how much my son cares about your wellbeing shall we."

What the hell is everyone talking about!!

That's when I saw it...

Ohm looked a little green as he pulled out this terrifying looking whip made from leather that had nine tails with sharp metal at the end of it.

Oh god...

I could feel myself feeling sick as the reality of what my father was saying finally processed in my head. They're going to hit him with that thing 15 times. Who the hell can survive that?

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