Part 46

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**Gulf's POV**

**Two years later**

Gulf: I come running down the stairs with a laughing Dean chasing me as I yell. "MEWWWWW, COME TAG YOUR SON WERE LOOSING THE GAME."

Mew: He comes running around the corner down stairs as he spots Dean behind me. "I'VE GOT HIM!"

I couldn't help but laugh as I run past him, Dean hadn't noticed Mew In front of me even though we were shouting and begins to squeal as he stops in his tracks and runs back up the stairs.

Gulf: After a few minutes Mew comes walking back looking winded. "Did you get him?"

Mew: He shakes his head in defeat. "No he's hiding somewhere. Who's brilliant idea was it to make me it, I still can't find Lily and there's only 10 minutes left or we lose."

Gulf: I poke his chest playfully. "Babe it was your idea, they were complaining last night that we don't play tag with them anymore and you thought it would be fun to play tonight."

Mew: He starts to pout like a big baby. "Yea but there almost a year older since the last time we played and now there a lot smarter than they were back then. You know our daughter has been hiding somewhere for 20 minutes now. Where the fuck did she get the patience from?"

Gulf: I just shrug my shoulders as I begin to walk up the stairs. "I have no idea but if were not careful she's probably going to outwit us one day when she's older."

He was mumbling to himself when I could hear tiny footsteps running around. Probably wasn't the smartest idea to play this game in a castle, there are too many hiding spots in here...

Mew: He stops talking as a grin forms on his face. "I have an idea."

Gulf: "What is it?"

Mew: "What if we yell that dinner is ready that way they come running out."

Gulf: I just roll me eyes as I continue to walk down the hallway. "That's such a stupid idea, I don't think they'll fall for that again."

Mew: He raises an eyebrow with a grin. "Wanna bet?"

Gulf: Whispering under my breath. "Childish..."

Mew: He sucks in a deep breath before yelling. "KIDS, DINNERS READYYY!"

Gulf: I try to stifle a laugh as were left standing there like idiots. "See I told you that isn't going to work."

Mew: He covers my mouth and pulls me into the closest room as we hear running footsteps. "Shhh..."

Dean: We could hear him run past us as Mew pulls me out of the room. "YAYYY, DINNER!!"

Mew: We slowly follow behind Dean as he walks down the stairs until he begins to turn around and Mew picks him up into his arms. "Gotcha!"

Dean: His face turns into a scowl as he looks at me for help. "That's not fairrr!!"

Lily: She appears at the top of the stairs and stickers her tongue out at her brother. "It's all your fault. We almost won Dean!"

Mew: I was trying so hard not to laugh as Mew looks at Lily. "Hey it's not your brothers fault that food is more important than a game of tag."

Lily: She slowly starts to stomp down the stairs grumbling to herself. "Yes it is..."

Gulf: I could see that Dean was upset so I hold my hand out to him as Mew sets him down. "Come on lets go eat, we can have a rematch later."

Dean: He grabs my hand as we walk toward the kitchen with Mew following behind us. "She's so mean..."

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now