Part 12

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**Gun's POV**

God how much did I fucking drink last night?

I let out a painful groan as I sit up and grasp my head as everything begins to spin.

Gun: Looking around I realize that I'm in my bed. "How the hell did I get home last night?"

I remember talking to saint about taking Gulf to his room because he was drunk and then Off came up to me and asked me to dance. We ended up dancing for hours and drinking around 4 glasses of wine together. After that everything becomes a little fuzzy.


I picked up my shirt from the floor and pull it on, right when I was standing up my phone alarm went off to indicate that it was time to wake up. It will always be a mystery to me how I can wake up before my alarm goes off every morning. Why do I even keep it on anymore?

With a groan I stand up and try to fight the dizziness as I walk out my room and begin to smell bacon. Mmmm, Davika must be making breakfast.

Gun: I turn the corner to the kitchen and spot Davika covering Faith's plate with food. "I hope you made me some, I'm starving."

Davika: She glances up at me with a smile and points to the pan on the stove. "You want some? Well there's the kitchen make your own breakfast."

Gun: I ignore the kitchen as I walk up behind her and pull her into a tight hug. "Pleaseee, you wouldn't want your dear little brother to starve would you?"

Davika: "You know you came home really late this morning, that lotus guy was practically falling over his own feet trying to get you here. That right there is determination."

Gun: Lotus guy? "Who Off?"

Davika: She nudges me off of her as she makes her way to the kitchen. "Yea I think that was his name." She looks up at me from the stove and rolls her eyes. "What do you want for breakfast?"

Gun: I begin to grin. "You know what I like, the usual please."

Davika: She rolls her eyes but begins to cook anyways. "I really hope my daughter doesn't learn your manners."

Gun: I sit down next to Faith and rub her fluffy hair. "Nahhh, she would never be as unruly as me now would she?"

Faith: She smacks my hand away and starts to stuff her face with her food and speaks in between bites. "I don't think.. Uncle Gun is bad, he just takes too many naps... You were sleeping for a long time this morning, momma says that we always have to wake up 2 hours before work and you didn't do that today. I woke up 3 hours early today, Momma was so proud!"

Why is this 5 year old so smart?

Gun: I just cross my arms on the table with a sigh as Davika laughs. "You're not wrong, it was my fault I woke up *late*, happy?"

Faith just nods her head and continues to eat, seeming bored with our conversation already.

Davika: She sets a plate full of all my favorite foods In front of me and sits down next to me with her own plate. "Are you going to go check up on Gulf soon?"

Gun: "Yea. I'm starting to regret leaving him alone with that saint guy but they seemed so cozy last night so I didn't want to cause a scene if there was no need. He was just a little drunk last night."

Davika: "You know that doesn't matter, you are practically his servant if you admit it to yourself or not. If he needed you last night than you should have been with him, not partying like you're a royal. Mom and Dad would roll in their graves if they knew how you treated the prince. Why can't you take your job and position a little more seriously?"

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now