Part 42

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**Gun's POV**

Well the start to my morning was hectic, I had accidently woken up late and then Off wanted to cook breakfast so I was almost an hour late to work and since I was late, Dean and Lily were left with the nanny. I know that Gulf asked Xi to look after the kids while he was gone but she hasn't even walked into their rooms since he left. All she does is read in the garden like she has no responsibility's.

I can tell you now that every worker in here knows that as soon as Gulf gets back all she's going to do is say that she was here every second of the day and that they had a great time. She never wanted these kids and it shows. 

It drives me insane, Gulf deserves someone better than her to be honest.

Last night Off got a call from Gulf really late at night and he refuses to tell me what it was about so that's been eating me up all day too.

Right now I had no time for that though. It's been about an hour and Dean has been running around the castle refusing to wear a diaper. He keeps squealing and I am getting tired of running. I swear how can children have so much energy?

As long as Lily doesn't decide to join him though, I think I'll be okay.

Just need a little bit of patience is all.

Thankfully my shift was almost over and I could pass them off to Jo tonight. She is really kind, she has already done way too much for this family and mine. I really appreciate her.

Off: He was standing at the entrance of the room as I chase Dean back into it. He begins to laugh. "Need some help?"

Gun: I just wave a hand at him as I chase Dean around a chair. "No, no its okay, he is just being a lot right now. It's been an hour, he should be getting tired soon."

Off: He bites his lip trying to hide a grin that I could definitely see. "It seems like your already getting tired. You sure you don't need any help?"

Gun: I just roll my eyes and stand guard by the only exit Dean can go through just to be safe. "I've got this, I'm not going to be outwitted by a 2 year old."

Off: I got distracted with Dean that I hadn't noticed Lily trying to walk out of the room as Off scoops her up and places her on his hip. "I think you're a little out of your hands right now babe." He walks over to Dean and holds out what looks like chocolate. "I give him the chocolate and you grab him."

With a sigh of defeat I playfully glare at him as Dean grabs the piece of chocolate. 

After scooping him into my arms I felt something wet on my shirt and I look down. 

Dean just fucking pee'd on me...

Gun: I look over at Off. "I swear your sleeping on the couch tonight."

Off: He holds his free hand up with his mouth open in mock innocence. "What did I do?"

Gun: I walk over to the changing station in the corner of the room and begin to change Dean. "You gave me a stupid plan and now I have pee on me."

Off: He sets Lily down before leaving the room real quick and then coming back with a shirt. "Here change real quick."

Gun: "This is Gulf's shirt isn't it?"

Off: He just shrugs his shoulders with a grin before walking out. "It could be."

I groan before setting Dean back down. He does this way too much, every time I have a work accident he grabs me clothes out of Gulf's closet. It's not a thrift store, he might not know but I always pay for the clothes that I borrow and I'm beginning to get annoyed. I know that Gulf probably wouldn't care but I care.

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