Part 2

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Warning - Violence and Trigger warnings. It was hard for me to write this chapter to be honest but I needed to get it over with so you guys can have a deeper understanding as to why Mew is the way he is once the story of the present begins in the next chapter. If you really cant handle it at any point, please just skip to the next chapter. Thank you.   :)

**Mew's POV**

Ever since my mother died last year, my father has become scary.

At first he was distant but loving.

Now he is distant, violent, and scary.

I am his 3rd son and for some reason that has made me his target for everything.

My brothers are both of age already and apparently have their whole lives planned out. My eldest brothers name is Zee and he is currently 23, he has already started his own company with something that involves buildings and construction. He is actually quite kind and gentle, he is usually the first one to come to my rescue when father is being cruel. My other brothers name is Bright he just turned 19 a few months ago. He decided to become a model which kind of made him a little arrogant and annoying at times. He usually stays quiet when we are all together. As for me I am currently 11 and I'm too young to really care about the future. I just want to go to school and take care of my bunny fluffy.

For some reason once my mother died, he has been very content on making me the next Mafia boss since my brothers already chose their paths. I no longer had mother to protect me from his wishes. At first things were okay, he would just tell me that I needed to get better grades and not make any friends. I was taught that everyone would use me for money once they learned who I was so I wasn't allowed to have friends. He also likes to point out a lot that I am too kind for my own good.

I was currently playing with fluffy in my room when my father walked in and threw some books onto my bed.

Dad: "I thought I told you to study these this weekend. Why the hell are you playing with that damn bunny again. After studying you need to go down to the guards and do your fight training. I am not going to be raising another wuss that needs to follow his own path. That shit is not going to fly with me anymore."

Mew: I put her in her cage and walked over to my dad trying to act tough. " I wanted to take a break because it's the weekend. I don't need to study every day. I already have the best grades in class and I can beat up half the guards you have down stairs."

Dad: "Not good enough. If you think your grades are good then get the top rank in the city. Then you can stop studying. Also beating half of them is nothing to be proud of, if they over power you than you are done for. When you can beat all of them without a scratch on you than I will let you stop training. Until then, get your ass down stairs and go to your training. I don't want to see you playing with that damn Bunny again."

Mew: "or what? It's not like you can stop me, it's my life anyways."

Dad: He gives me a scary grin before walking up to me and grabs my wrist before picking up fluffy's cage and drag us down the stairs. "Are you sure about that, because from where I'm standing. You are a child and I am the adult and you will do what I say even if I need to discipline you a bit to do so.."

I stayed silent as he dragged us to the kitchen and handed fluffy to our chef.

What's going on?

Dad: He points to a chair next to me. "You sit there and do not move a muscle, if you move I will tell Ohm to hit you with the whip." I sit down as he walks over to the cook and whispers something in his ear before turning back and grinning at me. "I want you to watch him and don't look away. If you look away I will be disappointed."

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now