Part 21

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**Mew's POV**

It was definitely a good idea to not eat earlier. No matter how much he ate, I just couldn't bring myself to have any of it. I was so fucking nervous. At the last minute I was slightly hoping that he would change his mind for more than one reason.

First, I am afraid that I really didn't deserve him and all of this was a mistake.

Second, I really didn't want to hurt him because I knew it was going to hurt...

Third, I'm afraid that I won't be able to satisfy him, I've only just laid there while everyone else participated. This will be the first time I actually wanted to have sex and I was terrified that I wasn't any good...

The entire time we were making our way down the mountain I could see him grinning to himself and it made me feel a tiny bit better. 

I guess as long as he is happy than my worries can wait.

He will always come first...

To hide my nerves from him I shove my hands in my pockets and silently follow behind him. We were almost there and my back was low key killing me. 

I was grateful for Off when he told me that he had something planned for us. I felt pretty guilty when I found out this was supposed to be for Gun's birthday but there's nothing I could do about it now. Off wouldn't let me give the trip back.

As soon as the cabin came into view I quickened my paste a tiny bit and grabbed his hand, he just blushes a soft red and grips my fingers in his before pointing at the moon shining through the trees.

Gulf: "I can't believe we spent the entire day outside..."

Mew: I just rub the top of his head with my free hand and kiss his forehead. "It was nice that I could share the outdoors with you, whenever im having an exceptionally rough day I like to be in nature. It's really relaxing compared to everywhere else."

Gulf: He glances up at me as we make our way to the front door. "I really like it."

I pulled the keys out of my pocket, opened the door and got dragged in by an excited Gulf. 

As soon as the front door was closed behind us I let go of his hand to drop the pack onto the floor and then surprised him with a hug from behind. 

His reactions are always adorable when I surprise him with affection. I guess he doesn't expect me to be clingy but right now is the best time to show him just how much I want to be with him.

Affection around others makes me uncomfortable but he makes me feel safe and more like myself when it's just him.

Mew: I kiss his neck as he starts to giggle like a little kid. "We should probably take a shower, we smell like the lake."

Gulf: He turns in my arms with a grin on his face as he wraps his arms around my neck. "I'm guessing I can't pull off the sexy lake smell vibes?"

Mew: I begin to chuckle as I kiss his forehead and pick him up before heading to our bedroom. "Not a chance."

Gulf: He scrunches his nose up cutely with a pout. "Damn, I was really hoping to check that off my achievement list this year."

Mew: I mock him by pouting too as I kick open the door. "I'm sorry babe, not this year, Maybe next year."

Gulf: He laughs before giving me a kiss as I make our way to the bathroom and push it open. "That's too bad."

Once we were safely in the bathroom I set him down on the counter and started to tug his shirt over his head as he stared at me with red cheeks.

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now