Part 24

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**Gun's POV**

Faith: She bursts into my room before jumping onto my bed as I cover my face with my pillow. "Uncle Gunnn, Happy Birthdayyy!!"

Gun: I just groan as I try to block out the noise as best I can. "Just 5 more minutes Faith."

Faith: She crawls over to where my head Is covered with my pillow and slowly pulls it away from my face. "But uncle Gun it's your birthday. Momma made you breakfast."

Gun: I open one eye to look at her. "Breakfast?"

Faith: She begins to giggle. "Yea momma woke up early to make it for you."

Gun: I pull her into a hug and attack her face with kisses. "Well then I guess it's okay for me to get up now."

Faith: She pushes on my shoulders while screaming with laughter. "Stop ittt."

Gun: I pull away and pout. "What if I don't want to."

Faith: She giggles and pokes my cheeks. "You'll make Mr. Jumpol jealous."

She's so cutee...

Gun: I pull her into a hug with a laugh. "I think he would let it slide, he knows I think my little niece is the most adorable little girl I've ever met."

Faith: Her eyes start to light up. "Really?"

Gun: As I start to stand up I bring her with me and start to pull open my bedroom door. "Of course, now let's go eat some breakfast."

Faith: She cups her hands around my ear and whispers. "By the way there's someone here for you."

Gun: I start to grin as she points toward the kitchen as I'm walking. "Oh really?"

Faith: She laughs as we make our way into the kitchen and points at Off who was helping Davika cook. "He's been here for hoursss."

Off: He turns around with a grin as he puts down the stuff he was working on and picks Faith out of my arms. "I thought I told you to let him sleep until we were done cooking."

Faith: She just looks everywhere but at him as I begin to laugh. "I wanted him to wake up."

Off: He just shakes his head with a smile and puts Faith down before walking over to me and pulling me into his arms before kissing my cheek. "Happy Birthday trouble maker."

Gun: I inwardly grown as he laughs and gives me a light peck against the lips. "When are you going to stop calling me that? It's so embarrassing."

Off: "I like it and it reminds me of when we met. Oh come on let me call you my little trouble maker, its cute..."

Gun: I just rest my head against his chest with defeat. "Finee..."

Davika: She clears her throat with a small smile on her face. "There are others in the room you guys."

I just begin to blush a little bit as he pulls away except for his hand.

I'm really glad that Davika has warmed up to Off, I feel much more relaxed knowing that she was able to except him. 

I don't know what changed though...

We all sat around the kitchen table eating as one big happy family and I could have never asked for anything else. Honestly I had given up on trying to find someone because I had grown up with everyone in the castle and none of them had ever interested me before so I had convinced myself that I was going to die alone babysitting Gulf for the rest of my life.

Every once in a while I could feel Off's hand squeeze my thigh as he talked to my sister. I could see that faith noticed his hand because she kept staring at me with the biggest grin and I was trying my hardest not to choke on my food.

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now