Part 18

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**Gun's POV**

I glance over at Off as he's helping Mew pack, I don't understand how he can look so handsome doing random things...

Gulf: He lightly smacks me in the shoulder causing me to look over at him. "Stop staring at him, could you be any more obvious?"

Gun: I stick my tongue out at him like a child and point around us in his room. "We are the only ones in here, I can stare all I want. No one can stop me." He adverts his eyes to Mew and I begin to grin before whispering. "See I'm not the only one that can't stop staring at my man, are you excited to spend the weekend with him?"

He just nods his head a tiny bit before turning bright red and disappearing into the bathroom. Gosh that guy is so easy to embarrass.

I find myself looking at Off again as the plans for today fill my head. I figured it was time to introduce him to my sister. She was the only one I had left except for faith and I really wanted her to know who I was in love with. She's going to be mad for a while but I think shell forgive me after a few months...

Gun: Not wanting to waist anymore time I hop off of Gulf's desk chair and head over to Off before grabbing his hand. "We should leave them be and get going. I told Davika I would be home early today."

Off: He glances down at the hand that was wrapped around his arm until I dropped it with a smile. "You still haven't told her that I'm coming with you have you?"

Gun: "No, not yet. I figured it would be easier to just bring you with me and let her get everything out at once."

Off: "Getting yelled at. Yayyy, can't wait..."

Gun: I give him a tiny pout before crossing my arms. "You know you love me."

Off: He just smiles and messes up my hair. "I do and I know that this is worth it." He puts down some of Gulf's things and waves at Mew before poking me in the arm. "Come on trouble maker."

He walks Infront of me as we leave Gulf's room and I just stick my tongue out so he couldn't see. To make things a little less obvious I went to the left as he went to the right because we had agreed earlier to meet on the street around the corner from my house. 

This whole keeping it a secret thing really sucked but I guess I'll just endure it if it means I get to be with Off. Things have been really good between us so far, not to mention the fact that we are currently working on breaking his third bed. That made me smile as I rounded the corner to leave the castle. With a wave to the guards at the gate I was successfully out of there for the day.

The plan was to go back to work tomorrow and just stay in Gulf's room all day that way no one would know he is gone. It's only a day so I don't think anything will go wrong. I didn't even know about this trip until they told me this morning, always keeping me in the dark...

Off: He comes up behind me with a hug as I was walking in bit of a daze before kissing my cheek. "There you are."

I just give him a small smile as he grabs my hand and holds it while we walk down the street. It shouldn't be a problem in this side of town because all of my neighbors are old retired maids and cooks.

Their pretty boring if I'm being completely honest...

We were only a few blocks down the street from my home when I see Faith running out of the front door with Davika chasing after her with pants balled up in her hands.

Gun: I start to laugh as I point out the ridiculous sight to Off. "I really don't understand why she hates wearing pants so much."

Off: He begins to smile before whispering in my ear. "I don't want to wear pants either but I don't think I can afford any more bed frames."

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