Part 26

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**Gulf's POV**

This is going to be such a good night!!

Mew and I had invited only a few of the maids that Gun was close to, one of the cooks apprentices and some of their children. We didn't want to invite anyone that would be un-loyal to Gun if him and Off accidently displayed some PDA. Even I trusted all of these people so I wasn't too worried about it.

We had a present table in the corner of the room, some random games that Davika had pulled out of the closet and now Davika and Mew are in the back yard trying to set up the projector for the sheet we hung up against their fence. We knew that Gun loved romcom movies and wanted to watch one outside like a movie theater.

Davika was helping me in the kitchen but I guess the projector wasn't a one person job. 

I was humming the lullaby to myself that I had grown so fond of when Jae one of Gun's neighbors came barreling through the front door covered in sweat from running

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I was humming the lullaby to myself that I had grown so fond of when Jae one of Gun's neighbors came barreling through the front door covered in sweat from running.

Jae: She runs up to me since I was the first person she saw and starts to tug on my arm toward the front door. "G-gulf, G-guns out s-side and t-there taking him away. T-there's a-also a g-guard bleeding out on the s-street."

At first I was trying to process what she was saying until it clicked into place.


Completely ignoring the shaking Jae that was attached to my arm I threw the apron on the counter and started to job out of the house in full panic mode.

I guess Mew saw me running because he caught up to me as I was running down the street after the guards who were already out of sight at this point.

Mew: He grabs my arm and tugs me to a stop as tears  start to fall down my face. "Gulf, what's wrong? Why are you running so fucking fast?"

Gulf: I try to take deep breaths as I point toward the direction of the castle. "T-they have Gun and Jae said that Off was u-unconscio..."

Mew: He didn't let me finish as he started to run toward the castle with worry. "Shit."

Trying not to over think too much I follow after Mew as best I could. 

I think this was the quickest I had ever gotten to the castle from Guns neighborhood before.

When we entered through the front door we were speed walking down the hallway toward the throne room to find Gun being pushed down to the floor in the middle of the room with cuffs around his hands against his back.

Gulf: I tried to get into the room but the guards that were at the door wouldn't let me in as I began to yell. "LET ME IN!! GUNN!!"

Mew: He grabs the collar of one of the guards to my right and pushes him against the wall as I begin to tremble. "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE PERTH?"

Perth: He flinches and closes his eyes as he points down the hall. "He's in cell 2 getting patched up right now, some of the guards beat him up pretty badly."

Mew: I could see that he was fuming as he slams Perth against the wall again before punching him in the face. "Fucking bastard. He's one of us Perth."

Perth: He just hold up his hands in surrender looking absolutely terrified. "There was nothing I could have done Me..."

Without another word Mew throws him against the floor and starts to jog down the hallway leaving me in the doorway that was still blocked by guards.

Gulf: Feeling helpless by myself I try to look over their shoulders as I spot my dad talking to a silent and trembling Gun still kneeling on the ground. "DAD, dad leave him alone, he didn't do anything wrong."

Dad: He just glances up for a second before walking up to the door way slowly as the guards parted before pushing out of the door way. "This matter does not concern you Gulf, get the hell out of here and don't let me see you again or that other guard that you seem to care for so much is next." He walks back into the throne room as Gun glances to me with hollow eyes. "Close the door and escort my son back to his room, I'll be done with this in an hour or two."

Gulf: I try to push my way back into the room not caring that I had just gotten dismissed, I just wanted to see Gun. "Please let me in, I need to see Gun."

Perth: He grabs my arm and pulls me off the guards as they close and barricade the door. "Your highness please stop, I tried to stop Off from struggling and he only made things worse. Gun doesn't need you to interfere too. Just let it go."

Gulf: I couldn't stop crying as I pushed him away from me. "LET IT GO? You want me to just let it go? HOW THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO THAT."

Perth: He impatiently runs his hands through his hair as I continue to slowly lose my shit. "Your highness, there's nothing you can do."

Gulf: I just slide against the wall feeling overwhelmed. "There has to be something I can do..."

Perth: "There's isn't."

Gulf: "B-but h-he's my b-best friend..."

Perth: He crouches down and lets out a sad sigh. "I'm really sorry..."


I must have sat there for hours waiting for those doors to open but they never did and I was starting to pass out from mental exhaustion. 

All I could do while I heard Gun's screams through the door was sit here and cry from the sound of his pain. 

Just like Perth had said there was nothing I could do.

That's when it dawned on me.

The entrance to the dungeon below the castle was on the other side of the throne room, no matter how much I stayed here I wouldn't be able to see Gun.

They would never drag him out this way...

He probably wasn't even in there anymore and I wasn't able to say goodbye...

My eyes were raw from crying but it didn't stop the new wave of tears from falling down my face as the thought of what he must be feeling right now runs through my head.

Am I ever going to see him again?...

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now