Part 6

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**Off's POV**

I looked down at my phone once more to make sure that I had read it right.

Dad: "If you and Mew want to be able to walk tomorrow I would advise that you two come back now with Gulf and the stable boy. A maid told the royal family that they snuck out after you guys failed to bring them back right away. They ended up rushing back home afterwards and now there pacing back and forth in the throne room threatening to behead you guys if there son isn't safe and in that room in the next hour. Get your asses back here now, I'll try to stall them as much as I can before they call Mr. Suppasit. If he finds out about this you two are goners for sure. Even if you are my son."


Mew: "What is it?"

Off: I look up at everyone and give them an apologetic smile

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Off: I look up at everyone and give them an apologetic smile. "I guess one of the maids reported to gulf's parents that he was missing and they rushed home. They want us all in the throne room in the next hour. We should make our way to the castle gate now if we want to make it there in time."

Gun: He scratches his head for a second before smiling as he tries to hide the worry that was plain as day on his face. "Why don't we use the servant tunnel to get back in, its much closer and only takes 20 minutes to walk instead of walking all the way around the castle grounds to where the gate is on the other side of town."

This guy is a genius.

Why didn't I think of that?

Mew: He seemed to beat me to it as I was about to agree. "That's a good idea, the quicker we get gulf back the least amount of damage will be done." With that he stands up and throws some money on the table before heading for the door with his hands firmly clasping each other behind his back. "Let's go."

Really Mew? Really? 

I roll my eyes at the back of his head playfully, He's always too damn serious.

Not wanting to keep him waiting, I stood up and tried to tidy up as much as possible as Gun helped me and then I followed behind Gun and Gulf as they caught up with Mew.

I was silent behind them as we make our way to the entrance of the tunnel. There were a few people singing and dancing in the streets still but it wasn't as crowded and that made it a lot easier to watch everyone from back here.

At first I could see Gulf talking with Gun but then he tried to approach Mew and I could see that he got rejected because he pouts like a baby and then goes back to Gun and starts to talk again.

That made me chuckle to myself as I watched them. 

He really is a child isn't he? 

Probably the kindest 20 year old I've ever met that's for sure.

Sadly I was a little too far away to know what they were saying though. 

One of our bigger rules that we like to follow often as a member of lotus is that we don't usually talk to the people were supposed to watch its bad for business which is why I was so surprised to find Gulf talking and sitting with Mew to begin with.

Abused And Forgotten (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now