Chapter 31

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-----No One's Pov---

"Daiki, Ryouta and Atsushi, Kill them all" he command that he fastly goes inside the car and drives, but it seemed one man smirk, that he pushed the button. One building explode that the building is falling down, hitting another building like a domino.

Akashi hummed,  Midorima greeted his teeth. He saw one car following Akashi at the time, but Akashi smirk and pull it to full speed.  Kuroko was laying on the back softly. Akashi smiled, but the building is gonna fall on him.

The Emperor smirk softly.. 'They seemed smart than I thought would be..' Akashi thought himself, one girl who stands on the top of his car.

"Stop Motion" it was Moimoi who uses her technology. Every motion stop from the falling building, even the people. She softly summons her dark gadget. She calculate every numbers. That every car who follows the Emperor, trap in the cubes.

"Cube's Circulation" she snapped her fingers.

The cubes was like a Rubix Cube, that it moves on its own. Moimoi smirk softly.. that the cube starts to move, Upward and downward but different like opposite, the left side was upward while the right side was downward, that their car's split's into two, even the two person's inside.

Aomine smirk.. 'It seems Satsuki gotten stronger..' Aomine goes to the very top of the building and look who was the one who is controlling it. Moimoi release her stop motion that the building falls and every people who was running away, panicking.

Mitobe on the other hand, with Nijimura, protecting the people at all cost. Moimoi spoke.. "Akashi sama, for my calculation, their's a bomb underneath the ground and it seems someone is controlling it. It is a woman" she informs, Akashi just nodded. That he turns the car fastly.

Moimoi type on her dark gadget by her pen. The cube's disappear's like a game that it fades like a puzzle. Every person on the car, died, that even the car is splits in a half.

While Mitobe uses his ability to block the falling building from the ground and from the people, he uses the ground to control and become a wall. "Wall" Mitobe shouted that he shouted at Nijimura. While Nijimura summon's his gun but it was no ordinary gun, his eye's glows that he saw the one who's controlling it. "I've got you"

When he shot it with the gun, it disappears like it fade.  'It seems everything here.. is just a puppet..' Nijimura thought to himself.

Aomine and Kagami who was fighting someone, he has a mask and black coat, he suddenly spoke, it was a woman's voice. "My My such a heavenly beautiful men's chasing me, Kagami Taiga and Aomine Daiki, the two Miracle's" she smirk that she controls the threads. Aomine clicked his tounge of how strong is this woman.

But when her time is coming out.. "Roger That" She smirk behind the mask. "Play with my puppets" she make everything into a wild animal  beast, by a thread. She smirk. "Ta Ta!~" After the wind she disappears.

"Bakagami this would be harder than I thought" Aomine smirk, his eye's glows. "Yeah, that fucking woman, pisses me off, but it seems she has a leader" Kagami replied. Aomine's sword suddenly appears that his nail's turns to claws.

He is called a "Black Panter" and Kagami crack his fingers that sharp tiger claws appears. While Kagami id called.. "Red Tiger" .

"This might be fun.. Ahomine" Aomine who has an irk mark. "Stop calling me that! Bakagami!!"

They attack like a flash, blue and red are joining forces. While Kise smirk, that he already beat the sniper's. "Midorimacchi!! Good work!!!" He cheered like a child. "Hey! Murasakibaracchi!!!" He called and throw every snipers at the water.

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