Chapter 22

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-----No One's Pov----

Kuroko was in the cave.. he hummed softly in pain. He notices tht he was tied him. 'Master..?' Kuroko tried to find his Master. He just remembered something that he got lost. His mouth was covered with a handkerchief tightly. He tried to open it. He tried to untied the rope with his own claws.

"Oh look! His awake!" Kuroko suddenly stunned and looked at the old man holding some ale. The old man grab his hair and drag him outside. He don't know what to do. He needs his master. The bluenette can see many gun's at their pocket. Someone just stomp his head.. "You wake up or what??"  It was the boss, they all laugh.

Kuroko gritted his teeth, Kuroko sense that they are not a good human for him. He tried to release himself. "Oi oi Just a second, are you trying to escape?" The old man kick his stomach 3x in a row. Kuroko couldn't help but cough in blood. The man untied the handkerchief. He softly breaths. "M-Master.." he whisper softly.

"What are you saying Kid?" One of the mens asked, but Kuroko didn't answer them. "For some reason you got some real golden collar" he touch the collar make Kuroko bite his hand. "Why you!" He stomp his head hard, that Kuroko's head bleed.

"Hey Kid, what's your name??" The old man asked, Kuroko didn't answer. "Tch.." they click their tounge. They fastly grab his collar and take it off. "No!" Kuroko shouted, they stomp at his cat tail and kicked his head.  "Be quiet" the boss command. Kuroko gritted his teeth, he suddenly cut the rope behind by his sharp nails, his claws.

He suddenly jump to scratch the boss' face. "Boss!!" The old man's panick they remove fastly the bluenettee and throw him away. "This Fucking Cat!" The boss gritted his teeth. Kuroko's head start's to bleed.

"Who's your Master? Your just a slave don't you think?" The men's laugh at him. "I'm not a slave! My Master is well.. " Kuroko never call his name before. "A..Akashi.. S-Seijuro..." he softly whispers. "Strange boss.. that name sounds familliar of it" The boss humerd when his one men spoke.

"It is familliar. I heard that kind of name before.." the boss stand up and grab his old newspaper at his own old bag. He hummed and find that name. "M-Master will come here.. !" Kuroko shouted, he always knew that his Master will come for him.

Their boss was quite stunned. "I see now.. Akashi Seijuro one of the rich men in Japan?? Mostly the highest men live here,  Lies, it's just because of the golden collar" He stump at the golden collar, the bell rings. "Their's a bell??" One of the men ring it. He hummed.

Kuroko may have fear and yet he wasn't strong enough. He wanted to go home.


While Moimoi and Riko grab the guns, Mayuzumi and Reo grab their sniper. Other's are gonna uses their own ability. By using guns.  Izuki was already in the tree, using his eagle eye. He saw Mitobe. "I saw Hayama and Mitobe!!" He shouted making the other's nod.

Akashi was on the rooftop, he uses the black coat. He will come to them secretly. He hummed and disappears in the soft wind. Every butlers needs to obey his command. They split up. Moimoi was holding a gun while even Riko was holding a shotgun. They hummed, Hyuuga and Izuki even Imayoshi is on the other side. Mayuzumi and Reo is on the top of the tree's.

Nebuya and Nijimura split up. Nijimura is smart on hid own, so he was the one who tell the plan. 'Thugs are just thugs, but this seems different..' he can sense that one of the thugs does have abilty and they are 2 of them

Then they saw Hayama's lightning flash in the tree's. Nebuya shouted  "Hayama!!", Hayama fastly hear's something, he turns around. It was Nebuya and Nijimura. "You guy's! Where's Akashi Sama!?" He asked in a shout. "He says it's only us to go to save his pet, for some reason I don't think he will just stay at the Mansion, since his pet is.. more important to him, I just felt it" Nijimura explained. Hayama didn't reply those words. Nebuya just looked at Nijimura.

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