Chapter 26

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-----No One's Pov---

Kuroko wave at his Master, "Good Night, Master" He bowed softly, Nebuya and Mitobe closed the door. They both walk away, leaving the two alone. The butler's peek even the maid's. "This might be a chance we see it.." Moimoi whisper to Riko. "Yeah" Riko whisper back excitedly. But Imayoshi smirk and adjust his glasses even Hyuuga.

Hayama was peeking at the other side while Mayuzumi and Izuki are together with Hayama. It was silence for the bluenette and for the Emperor at alone time.

"Sleep well, Master" Kuroko spoke, but Akashi patted him. "Yes, Sleep well, Tetsuya. However don't stay late at night." He command the bluenette, making the bluenette nodded in understanding.

"It seems the wound is your shoulder is fully heal" Akashi spoke, starting the conversation. "Well, my it's just on a shoulder Master, besides Moimoi san was their" Kuroko smiled softly.

"I think I should sleep now Master, you as well, you still have work to do tomorrow, you did spend time with me today, I'm glad with it" He bowed at the Emperor and gonna walk away, but the Emperor suddenly hugged him at the back that he whisper..

"But this one day it still not fully for me spending time with my pet.."

Kuroko's eye's widened softly. It was silence "H-how.. many...Days? I-It's one.. whole day you spend with me.." Kuroko suddenly asked about how many days that the Emperor wants. "Well, how many days that you want me spend?" Akashi's eye's flickered in crimson and gold.

Every butler's starts to nosebleed mostly Moimoi and Riko. 'Such beautiful to watch!!' They both thought themselves.

When Kuroko hold his arms softly "I uh.. well Master, I-It will be.. late now.." Kuroko tried to change the subject. Akashi snuggle on his neck softly, Kuroko felt his breath. The Emperor softly open his eye's "Then good night" He whisper making the bluenette softly nodded.

When the butlers start pushing eachother.. "I can't see!" One of them whisper while the other.. "Stop pushing!" Until Moimoi and Riko got pushed away. Kuroko's eye's widened. "M-Moimoi... San??.. Riko.. San?" Kuroko don't know what to tell.

"It seems their enjoying the show" Akashi spoke coldly and release the bluenette. "Master.. good night" he fastly walk away while butler's facepalm and fastly walk away leaving the two maid's. "U-uh.. A-Akashi Sama G-Good Evening" Riko spoke shakenly even Moimoi fastly bowed.

"Yes, Good Evening, but you destroyed my mood and I hope this won't happen again" He spoke coldly as ice that he walk pass them and goes to his room at the top floor.

Moimoi and Riko sigh in relief. But they are still worried for themselves for distracting the both of them.


Kuroko fastly goes to his room. He slowly sat at the floor, his cat tail was down even his cat ears. He was wondering about the Emperor, why does the Emperor act this way to him? To his pet?? Kuroko was still confused why.

While on the other room, Akashi put some whiskey on the whiskey glasss as he sat at the sofa and starts drinking that he cross his legs. He smirk softly at his lips. 'My pet seems liking it little by little'  Akashi looked at the whiskey with a smirk that he drank it straightly.

Akashi has a smug face looking at the window.

'Tomorrow is gonna be a long day than I thought would be'

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