Chapter 34

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----No One's Pov---

Kuroko goes out to the room, while it was silence at the room, but before he goes out, the coffee was there. Moimoi was confused, she was bringing dinner to Akashi. "Tetsu Kun? Is there something--" she was cut off, when the elevator closed.

Moimoi couldn't even speak a word. When she deliver this to Akashi. "Akashi Sama, here's your dinner" she move the tray inside. Akashi was just signing many papers.

It was silence. "Akashi Sama.. is their.. something wrong? I saw Tetsu Kun walking out.." Akashi stop writing and reply her. "I see" a little.

"Uhm.. Akashi Sama, why are you.. well Upset at him..? Did he do something wrong..?" Moimoi notice it. "Nothing happened, I am busy Satsuki, you are dismiss" he command, Moimoi was silence.  Akashi felt it, he knew those word's just came out at his mouth.

But he was so upset of what he saw, that kiss. He didn't meant to avoid him of all the days and those words, it's just that he want's space for forgetting that kiss. Akashi didn't mean to but he has no choice but to avoid the bluenette.

Moimoi goes out to his room that she close the door. Akashi start's signing again that he look at the coffee. He hummed and just continuely sign the papers.

If he heard Kuroko get 'Welcome Home' again, maybe he might talk to him in either way, since those words are quite too much for the bluenette.


As for Kuroko who goes to his room and close the door, that he sat on the bed. It was silence, his face was so blank and his eye's is like a dead sky blue sea. It didn't show any happiness on it. It show's sadness and empty inside him.

Then his eye's widened softly.. he felt his face was quite wet that he look at the Mirror, Kuroko didn't know what to tell. It was tear's that showed up. 'Why.. Why am I.. Crying?' He thought to himself and don't know what to do.

'Master.. Naster doesn't need me anymore.. he doesn't..
He doesn't need a pet like me anymore...'

Kuroko take off his collar.. he couldn't look away, that more tear's fall down. He softly cover his face with his palm, that he has no choice but to cry and cry that his Master doesn't need him anymore. 'It hurt's..

It hurt's..

Why does it.. hurt's..? I'm a pet.... I'm just.. a pet'

He has no choice but to cry silently at his room. He hugged the pillow that he couldn't sleep. The bluenette stand up and change his clothe's to a pajama. He look himself at the mirror. His face was quite blank and yet tear's was falling down at his cheeks.

He lay to his bed and hugged his pillow so tightly. The bluenette just sobbed quietly until he fall asleep.


It was early at the norning, Akashi already put his formal clothes and ready to leave early. 'It seems I overdid it' he thought to himself, with his poker face. He goes out to the room and uses the elevator to go down.

When he arrived at the first floor. "Good Morning Akashi Sama" Imayoshi and Mayuzumi bowed at him. Akashi didn't care, he walk pass and goes to Izuki. Nebuya and Mitobe open the door for him. He goes inside the car, Izuki drove off.

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