Chapter 45

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-----No One's Pov---

Kuroko look at the time, they wait for Midorima too long. "It seemed Shintarou is quite late or it seems.. something happened" Akashi stand up. "Let's go" he command, they nodded at the Emperor.

Kise was quite worried for Midorima. Because he did not come, even Kuroko, they all go outside the Mansion and go inside the limousine car.  Izuki goes infront and gonna drove them off, while their other car's will stay in the garage for now.

The limousine drove off. Kuroko was beside the Emperor. "I wonder what will hapen if Kurokocchi disguises a woman?" Kise said cheerly, Murasakibara sigh while Kagami and Aomine facepalm themselves.

"Well, if Tetsuya want's it??" Akashi look at his pet. "I.. respectfully decline" Kuroko look at the window, while Izuki chuckle a little. He droves to a big mall, Kuroko never go here before, he put his cap to hide his cat ear's that he hide his tail.

Izuki opens the door for them, everybody goes outside, but still Midorima hasn't arrive. Akashi still wonder's what taking him so long. He hummed softly at his breath. Akashi look at the time.

It was gonna be afternoon, most of all he sense something far away from it.


Midorima who was still fighting the child jut the child control's every puppet she see and every puppet's she have.

"Having fun!!??" She smiled widely like a grin, that Midorima was quite having a hard time. Midorima was using his ability to summon a gun, he never missed before. But whenever he shoots, the doll's, the teddy bear's, slowly healing itself.

He clicked his tounge.. "Not fun at all nanodayo!" The doll's wrapped it on his car and throw it to Midorima, but Midorima suddenly used a shotgun, but it was now on a different level.

Midorima upgrade his own shotgun. When he shoot's one deadly teddy bear, the teddy bear's own blood spreads that it didn't reginerate. 'It work'

"You pests.. destroying my toys!?" She controls them that one of them, becomes huge demon that spine on their back, claws at their nails and sharp wild beast teeth showing. The other doll's smirk, that it change the form.

Midorima smirk softly that he adjust his glasses.

"This might be fun, fine then.. Let's play"

At that moment Midorima's speed sudden change. But for her she smirk.. "Your like a bug that is running away!!!" The child smirk.

"Your not just a child after all, your one of his minions, Tiriko Suzume" she smirk.

She put her fingers on her mouth.. "My My, You know my name!! I am just a child who wanted to play!" She smirk that the ground cracks, it was no ordinary old doll's that she's controlling.  "Kill Him" she command.

The doll's suddenly change their appearance, turn's into a demonic doll's. Dark aura surround them. Midorima suddenly gritted his teeth. 'This will be quite hard..' He put his lucky item into a safe place.

The dolls suddenly attack, he has no choice but to do it. "Target Elimination" he spoke that in sky, some targets appears, many of them, targeting every dolls. It suddenly shoots but it was no ordinary bullet. The bullet, suddenly change.

Whenever it hits, it explode. But the beast is not even scratch, the dolls are already die, but the beast doll that she have died at that sudden attack. "My.. m-my precious.." she hugged the dolls.

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