Chapter 43

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-----No One's Pov---

"I-I don't know how.." Kuroko look at the Emperor, that the Emperor was taking off his collar. "I already told you, I'll teach you" Akashi smiled that he take off the bluenette's collar. "Don't you trust your Master??" Akashi asked him that make Kuroko froze.. "I trust Master" Akashi smirk softly.

"Good Boy" Akashi softly whisper's to his cat ear's. Kuroko look at the Emperor. The Emperor softly taking off his sleeves. Kuroko felt that ut was quite cold. "Change your pant's Tetsuya" he command, Kuroko nodded.

Kuroko walk off, Akashi can see some shooting stars, he wait for the bluenette. When the bluenette was finish he smirk softly, the bluenette was shirtless, wearing some short's for men, sky blue short that matches his silky hair.

"Good, the water isn't that cold" Akashi smiled and hold's the bluenette. "B-But Master, i-it's pretty cold and deep" Kuroko follows the Emperor.

"Don't worry, you trust me? So it's okay, your Master is here" Akashi chuckle. Of how cute his pet pleading on him that always saying that the water is cold like a little kitten.

When Kuroko touches the water, it was quite cold. "The water is c-cold.. I think I can't--" he was cut off when the Emperor suddenly kulled him to the water, Kuroko hugged himself because the water was quite cold.

His Master hugged him. Akashi chuckle.. 'I felt like I am watching a little kitten' Akashi thought to himself. He chuckle, that he swiftly bring the bluenette to the middle. "W-Wait Master, t-the water is t-too d-deep" Akashi wrap his one arm around him.

"Your not gonna drowned, look at me, your not gonna drowned" Kuroko look up to his Emperor, the Emperor smiled. Kuroko just nodded slightly.

It was silence for the both of them at the pool, their's no people, but for Kuroko, he can't swim that's why Akashi was wrapping his arm's. "Master, it is quite gonna be late soon enough, should we go back?" Kuroko look at him, Akashi smiled, that he dive holding the bluenette.

The bluenette fastly hold his breath, Akashi smiled, when Kuroko open his eye's, Akashi look at him, his reflection. Kuroko's eye was the same color of the water that it was so clear, Akashi caresses his cheek, their hair swiftly swayed by the water, even the bluenette's cat tail.

Akashi kissed the bluenette under the water, that Kuroko was quite suprise, he has no choice but to kiss back. Akashi smirk, he know that the bluenette will always obey him. Akashi saw the bluenette's mark that he gave.

The Emperor kissed him more deeply, he felt Kuroko's hand was on his shoulder's. They did not stop at their hot kiss. Kuroko felt Akashi's lip's crashing into his lip's, that their tounge swiftly touching so delicately.

Their kiss got quite longer and they stayed underwater in a longer minute, their kiss wouldn't  last long.

The Emperor softly stop and that he dive out to the water, Kuroko suddenly breath, when they go out to the water. The bluenette's hand was on the Emperor's shoulder, Kuroko breath quite hard since they are underwater in a minute's.

Kuroko didn't look at Emperor, since he was quite breathing heavily. He can feel the coldness of the wind at his body. "Tetsuya, Kiss me again" Akashi command him, that he carry the bluenette at his thigh's, Kuroko look down to him.

"B-But it will be late soon, M-Master--" he was cut off. "Kiss me again" that's the only reply from his owner. "Just give me a kiss, Tetsuya" Kuroko couldn't speak of what the Emperor's command.

Kuroko has no choice but to give him a kiss on the Emperor's lips, Akashi felt the bluenette's delicate warm kiss.. "I-Is that.. enough Master?" Kuroko softly whisper. "No, It may be enough.. for you.. but it is enough for your Master" Akashi softly whisper.

Kuroko felt the Emperor's lips touch his. The bluenette didn't hesitate to kiss back. It was his Master's command that he couldn't avoid or ignored it, he don't want his Master disappointed at him again like the last time.

Their kissed didn't stop, since Akashi could not stop, those bluenette's delicious lips.  Kuroko felt the Emperor's strong hand's at his thigh  that it wraps around him underneath. He felt his strong arm's around his thigh.

The Emperor felt the bluenette's, hand goes through his hair. He never felt like this before, with the bluenette's delicate finger's around him.

'Touch me more.. Tetsuya
Let me have you as my own..'

Kuroko's mark glows a little at the bluenette. That it stop glowing, and another rose bloomed with a vines, at Akashi's waist, a sudden vine with a little roses. Akashi softly smirk, they are now in a contract of being connected.

He start's kissing the bluenette's neck, Kuroko felt his hot breath.  He move his hand into the Emperor's nape. His face felt soft blush until ear. 

Akashi kissed his cheek.. "Don't worry, Tetsuya" Kuroko look at him.. "But M-Master.. what if someone s-saw us..?" Kuroko look at him.

Akashi chuckle.. "Are you nervous that someone might saw us?" Akashi leaned to him. "Y-Yes.. t-they might think--" He was cut off. "They will not think that it was wrong.. let them think of what they want" he leaned to kiss the bluenette.


On the other hand, Hayama yawned. 'I'm a little thirsty..' he stand up from his bed. Hayama goes out in his room, on way to the kitchen. He drank some water, so he can fell asleep.

It was quite 11:38 Pm now. Hayama look at the time.  When he starts walking at the hallway, he saw some two figures at the pool that he take look closely. His eye's widened, he couldn't believe of what he saw.

"Hey.. what are you---" Hyuuga was cut off by Hayama. "Can you shusshhh!" Hayama said in a loud whisper.  Hyuuga and Hayama take a look, that it was the bluenette and the Emperor.


Kuroko's cat ear's softly twitch when he heard some foot steps around the corner. He felt someone is watching them. He softly push the Emperor away. "M-Master.. s-someone is watching.." He whisper.

Akashi look at him, he chuckle. "I see.. it seemed you need to rest now" Akashi smile that he carry the bluenette in a bridal and goes out to the pool. "You are quite tired today, have a rest" Akashi smirk.

Kuroko can see with a happy smile on the Emperor's lips. He was curious why. The Emperor sat him at the chair and grab his towel to wrap it around to the bluenette.

He kissed the bluenette's forehead. That Kuroko felt something.. "Sleep Now.. Tetsuya" he spoke, that Kuroko's vision got blurred and softly fall asleep.

Akashi catch him in his arm's and carry him inside his Mansion.

He chuckle that he goes inside his Mansion. Hayama and Hyuuga facepalm themselves.. "Akashi Sama seemed saw us.." Hyuuga whisper. "I think Kuroko saw us.." Hayama whisper back.

'It seemed Akashi Sama does have someone to desire..'

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