Chapter 41

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-----No One's Pov---

The Emperor was just standing still at the back of her.. "Why didn't you kill me? Last Night? When you have a chance?" She couldn't answer at that simple question of the Emperor.

"W-what do you mean.. Akashi Sama?" she smiled that she look at him straightly. "Your playing hard than I thought" Akashi's eye's flickered in crimson and gold. Her spine shiver down. She couldn't move a muscle.

She couldn't even run away.  "I'll let you off, you couldn't answer my simple question." Akashi walk to his pet. He ring the bell of the collar.

The Emperor chuckle. She turn around and asked him a question.. "Are you take caring him as a slave of yours? The boy that your take caring is---" she was cut off.

"Oh? So is it about Tetsuya?" He asked her with a soft smirk on his lips. She couldn't answer. She was gonna used her thread's but she stop when they saw the bluenette was sitting up straightly.

His cat tail softly sway again, Kuroko rubbed his eye's, he look at the two of them. 'D-Did I interfere?' He thought to himself. Kuroko look at the Emperor walking straight to him. "Your awake?? How was your sleep?" Akashi look at him.

"I-It was good. Did I interfere Master?" Kuroko stand up but Akashi just patted his head. "Of course not, Honoka will sleep again at the guest room tonight since it is a bad weather." Kuroko smiled happily. "Then she will stay here until tomorrow?" He asked the Emperor.

"Yes, she will stay as long as you like" Akashi caresses the bluenette's cheek. "Thank you Master" he smiled with a soft blush in his cheek, Asumi look at the bluenette. "It seems I need to excuse myself" she walk away, but she hears the Emperor's voice..

"Becareful on your word's.. it might not last long"

Kuroko tilt his head, he look at the Emperor who was looking at her while Asumi can't say any word's came out at her mouth. "Y-Yes, Akashi Sama, let's talk about it again..." she walk away.

"Master.. Did something happened??" Kuroko asked the Emperor. "It's nothing Tetsuya" Akashi smiled at him.

Even though Kuroko was still worried about something will happen.


Asumi goes beside the pool, outside the Mansion, even it's quite raining, looking at herself at the reflection to the pool.

"Enjoying your life here?" She fastly turn around and it was Nijimura. "It's been quite a while, since that fight" Nijimura softly smirk. "It seemed you remember" she look at him.

"You do know that your not just an ordinary guest.. or should I say Akashi sama already found out" Nijimura smile that she was stunned at his words. She walk infront of him. "It's none of your business" she walk passes to him.

"If you dare done something you shouldn't have, then don't do it, since your the person who want's to kill it's target. You have a reason that why Akashi Sama is the first at your list? First at your target." Nijimura turn around to look at her.

"You don't even know Akashi Sama yet so If I were you..
I will not continue this plan of yours" Nijimura spoke coldly at her.

"He is my target, if I'd just kill him easily! I would be out of this pain!" She turn around that a thread scythe was around at Nijimura, close to his nape while Nijimura was quite holding a gun at her head.

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