Chapter 17

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----No One's Pov---

It was awkward for Kuroko, being closed to his Master. He was finished eating. He stand up, Akashi can see he was carrying some book. "Tetsuya? Your carrying some book? Did you just read today??" Akashi asked while sipping his tea.

"I read it last night, since I can't sleep, I borrow some book to read" Kuroko spoke in honest tone. Akashi can tell, he can't sleep well because of what happened.

"I see" Akashi stand up. "Can I see?" He asked and Kuroko nodded. He gave the book to him. Akashi looked at it, he just read it in a second. "I'm done" He gave it back. Kuroko sweatdrop. "Are you sure your.. done Master? It felt like you didn't read though.. " Kuroko spoke and looked at the book. "Yes, Am I a liar?" He asked. "N-No Master your not a liar" Kuroko fastly answer's.

The way Kuroko act was still normal, but whenever Kuroko was beside the Emperor. He felt something that the bluenette is always nervous or uncomfortable.

Kuroko was gonna go to the library but Akashi called him. "Tetsuya" he walk infront of the bluenette. "Yes Master?" He looked up to his master.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable when I am around???" Kuroko was stunned by his Master's question. "What was the reason you got uncomfortable around me? Tetsuya?"

Akashi leaned closer that make him step back. "N-No, It's not like that Master" Kuroko tried to tell him the truth.

"Are you sure?? That you felt uncomfortable when I am around?  I don't like full of lies Tetsuya, You are my pet" Akashi pinned him at the wall. "I-I'm not lying Master, I-I feel comfortable.. w-when I am around you Master, I don't feel uncomfortable" Kuroko explains, he shutter.

Hayama was gonna pass by then he saw them, he fastly hide and watch the both of them. He want's to listen to their conversation.

"Are you afraid?" He leaned more, the bluenette shake his head. "N-No, Master, I never been a-afraid of you.. I-I am just afraid when y-your upset at me.." Kuroko spoke, but he was honest that his not afraid of the Emperor. Akashi caresses his cheek. "I've never become upset to my pet, I am not Mad, I am iust asking you if you find me uncomfortable" Akashi explained calmly.

"No need to shutter Tetsuya" Akashi was caressing his cheeks. "Is it about.. the kiss last night?" Kuroko was stunned at the Emperor's question. "I understand why now, that reaction of yours, I understand it" Akashi smiled. "Come, Tetsuya" Akashi opened his arms.

Kuroko know this, he has no choice, he had to obey him. The bluenette slowly walk to hugged the Emperor. He hugged him. "Good Boy" Akashi hugged back that he pat at the back of his head. Akashi smiled of how Kuroko hugged him. He felt warm.

Hayama's eye's widened..'This is no ordinary order..' he thought himself with a smirk and walk away. Little he did not know, Akashi saw him. Akashi's eye's never lied. He looked down the bluenette hugging him. The bluenette always obey's his Master. Since the Emperor was the only one take care of him.

"Tetsuya, you do know how I care for you since your a child." Akashi spoke making the bluenette nodded. "Yes.. Master" he slowly replied. Akashi chuckle. "Many visitors will come in tonight, I hope your not surprise to see them" Akashi said with a warm smile. Kuroko fastly looked up.. "Who is gonna visit them??" Kuroko asked. Akashi replied the bluenette "You will know it tonight" Akashi hugged his pet tight and burried himself at the bluenette's neck.

Kuroko sigh, his cat ear's hear's someone is coming. "Master someone is coming" Kuroko sweatdrop, he don't want to be exposed like this to his Master.

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