Chapter 37

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-----No One's Pov---

The Emperor didn't hesitate, kissing the bluenette's back so delicately. Kuroko was pinned tightly, even though he isn't going anywhere.

Kuroko mumble his breath softly that Akashi slide his finger's down, that he stop when he touch the bluenette's hips. When Kuroko was gonna move away his hand, Akashi slide up his hands softly that it pass his waist and until to his chest.

Akashi start's unbottoning his pajama sleeve that Kuroko look at his hands unbottoning his pajama sleeve. Akashi kiss his neck and chest. His master was undressing him, Kuroko look at it a little. He felt the Emperor's hand was at his thigh.

The Emperor look at his soft blush and hot breath, he liked all of it. Akashi taking off his pajama, after that he kissed his thigh. 'Do you felt it Tetsuya..? that my lips is touching your skin' Akashi kissed the bluenette's lips passionately.

Kuroko softly open his eye's. Akashi kissed him quite deeply that Kuroko push him at the chest to breath softly. The Emperor caresses his cheek. Kuroko looked at him. When the Emperor look at him back, the Emperor feels his breath. Akashi couldn't hesitate, he never hesitate.

He raised Kuroko's legs. He slide his hand to his thigh, it was getting hotter for the two of them. Akashi kissed his neck that he start's to bite it.

"M-Master.. It hurt's.. w-what are you doing!?" Kuroko suddenly grip to the Emperor's shoulders.

Akashi bite it deeply that Kuroko grip more, Akashi look at the mark at his neck. "Perfect.." he whisper to himself, that he start to bite at his neck and chest. "M-Master.. p-please.." Kuroko grip more. Calling the Emperor so delicate, making Akashi can't stop himself.

He saw the bluenette's tears softly, he kissed his cheek. "Hush now.." Akashi caresses his other cheek and rubbed his thumb softly. Kuroko look at him in tears, 'Master.. bite me..?' Kuroko thought to himself. That Akashi was undressing him fully until their's no clothes left to the bluenette.

Akashi looked at him, laying on his bed, looking at his beautiful white skin that is white as a snow. So delicate to the touch. Kuroko was breathing heavily that Kuroko looked at him and their eye's met.

Akashi kissed his waist, and suddenly kissed his nape. Kuroko look at his back a little. He turn around the bluenette.

The Emperor was kissing his back until down. The Emperor suddenly hold him. "Master...?" Kuroko look at him. Akashi know this would hurt him but he has to mark him by claiming him.

He pinned the bluenetted tightly, that Kuroko is facing the bed. He bite his back that down at the nape so deeply. It make Kuroko cry a little that he gritted his teeth. "M-Master It h-hurts!" It was so deep that it starts bleeding, it was ripping at his skin.

Akashi lick the bluenette's blood.. "Delicious.." he whisper. It was not a ordinary mark. It was a Demon's Mark that claiming what they desire so much.

The mark glows that it has a little two letters. 'A' and 'S' it was  on the mark. 'Akashi Seijuro' the bluenette felt pain and yet the pain starts going away.

The Emperor's eye's glows at the dark, blood crimson and a golden eye's. Rose marks appears at  at the bluenette's back that a one crimson Rose appears at the middle down and close to his nape.

Two letters are already appear. The bluenette's body appears some another marks as vines at the roses. It was no ordinary marks.

Kuroko skin shows a very big marks of roses and vines at the side of back until waist. "It suits you very perfectly.." Akashi suddenly spoke, that make Kuroko look at him. "W-What do you mean..?"  Akashi chuckle, that he touch the bluenette's back.

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