Chapter 7

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--No One's Pov--

Kuroko goes outside.. he was now 17 Years Old. He sigh.. 'Time's goes fast..' he thought himself. Then he heard rushing butlers and maids. He walk where they are rushing. "Um..." he spoke.
"Sorry Kuroko! But we are quite Busy!!" Fastly said by Hyuuga. Carrying and cooking so many foods. "But why?"

"Their's a visitor Coming today, one of the best Engineer. That is help by Akashi Sama" Mayuzumi explained to the bluenette. "A visitor?" He tilted his head that his tail fastly swing. Then his ear twitch when he heard someone is coming inside the kitchen, he move away, it was Riko and Moimoi who was carrying so many veggies. He saw Nebuya carrying bag's of berries at the Kitchen. While Hyuuga and Kiyoshi even Hayama who is preparing the breakfast for Akashi.

Mitobe who is carrying many things, while Reo designing the food. He yawned and still was sleeping, he knew their is a visitor coming in. Imayoshi and Nijimura who is preparing the ingredients and cutting fastly..

'Everyone is busy.. I want to play with them.. ' Kuroko patted his head on his own. Kuroko wonders where that where is Master? He kept wondering. He still remember when everyone play with him when he was just a child.. he smile.. 'Maybe I don't need to play anymore.. since I'm a young adult now' he thought again.

Imayoshi spoke "Oh Kuroko? Your awake.." Imayoshi said with a chuckle. "Maybe I can help.." he mumble. "Sure!" Izuki and Hayama shouted. While Moimoi smack them. "He can't!! his Akashi Sama's pet you know! What if something happens!" Moimoi included. "It's Okay, Moimoi San. I will just tell Master that it's not all of your fault" he smiled brightly.

All of them thought..

'Such a bright heavenly Angel....... '

Kuroko help, Nebuya that he tried to carry some berries. "Ey! You don't need to, maybe you can Help Reo" he looked at Reo. He goes to Reo. He tap Reo a little.. "Yes? Oh hello their Kuroko"
"Can I help.. designing?" Reo pat his head. "Oh sure!" He cheerly spoke and they start designing. They are stunned by Kuroko's design. It was quite beautiful to see.

"Ooooh!! Your amazing!!" Moimoi and Hayama even Nebuya shouted it. Reo chuckle and thought himself..'Maybe Akashi Sama really does teach him well' Reo helps Kuroko designing.

They put some breakfast food on the tray. All of them are busy. Mitobe sigh and spoke.. "Whose gonna bring it to Akashi Sama? I prefer he is still sleeping" Reo and Nijimura think for a moment, mostly Hyuuga thought something up "What if Kuroko bring it to Akashi Sama?" Izuki added at Hyuuga's question "It is a good Idea.."

"Well then! Kuroko bring this on Akashi Sama's room! Now go go go!!" Riko said it fastly that he take off Kuroko's apron.. Kuroko was gonna spoke "But I never--" he was cut off.. "Never What?" Imayoshi and Nebuya asked.. "I never go inside in Master's room since I was a kid... I just know his room but never go in.." Kuroko admit that he still never goes into his Master's room. Since he admit that he is quite afraid of it.

"Then Maybe I can help, Kuroko" Mayuzumi smiled and Kuroko nodded fastly that his tail wiggle slowly and he thank Mayuzumi from helping him. They start to move the tray to the Emperor's room. "Mayuzumi Kun.. did you already came in to his room?" He asked..

"Well One time. He is always busy at his room. Mostly when we always bring coffee's at him." Mayuzumi explained. "Why? Is Master hiding their??" The bluenette asked again. "Of course not, his just busy doing things, most of all, is it just me? Or you? You grew taller a little" Mayuzumi smiled.

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