Chapter 8

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---No One's Pov--

"I'm pleased to meet you, Akashi Sama"  he smiled. "Yes, Fujio Fumiaki" Akashi looked back, Fujio was quite stunned, calling his first name. "Yes, Akashi Sama, I am quite glad that you agreed for our meeting today" he smirk. Akashi just smile. Kuroko looked at Fujio..  his scent is normal.

'His.... a human..' Kuroko thought himself. "Let's go shall we?" Akashi suggested and Fujio nodded. The bluenette just follow them, The butler's fastly serve every breakfast food. Hyuuga fastly put the golden flowers at the middle.

Fujio sweatdrop a bit of how big is the Emperor's dining room. "Let's have a breakfast" Fujio nodded, then he bumped into someone. "What the.. " he looked everywhere and looked down. He jump fastly . "W-Who are you!" He fastly shouted. The butlers, mostly Moimoi and Riko almost laugh at that.

"Kuroko Tetsuya" Kuroko bowed and he tilt his head. "I-I see.." Fujio cough and looked at the Emperor. "Let's eat" Akashi sat at the chair, and Fujio just sat to the other side, while the Bluenette sat at the other chair. 'Who is that Kid??? Is he--' his thoughts cut off when he saw a collar on the bluenette's neck.  'A slave?' He smirk.

They started to eat. "Akashi Sama here's what you want to be serve" Hayama put the food on the table. He looked at Kuroko and smile. Kuroko wave back and smile. Akashi smiled when Kuroko smiled at his friend butler.

"I'm surprise, is he your..Visitor as well Akashi Sama?" Kuroko flinch when he got mentioned by him. 'He must be a kind human...' Kuroko smiled a little. "No, his not, he live here" Akashi spoke while his cutting his meat delicately as he ate it.

'He.. what? Live this big place??' Fujio was quite stunned about this boy.

When he mentioned it.. his eye's widened, he saw his cat ears and tail. He was still eating and yet, he couldn't believe a creature live here. "His.. not a human.." Fujio softly mumbled, but Akashi smiled.. "Yes, His not" Akashi admit, Kuroko nodded at him with a smile.

"I.. see, I am quite surprise, Akashi Sama. You kept him?" He asked to the Emperor. The Emperor nodded. "Yes, I kept him since his a child that time." Kuroko kept eating and he looked at his Master. He smiled a little.. 'This human.. is Kind' Kuroko thought himself. Then.. he sense it.. the man's scent. He can tell it was emotions. But this scent, is..quite jealousy and greedy to be rich. Kuroko sweatdrop. His cat eye's fastly looked at him.

'Is that mean his not a kind...human..??' the Bluenette thought himself. "He seems young, How old are you?" He asked the bluenette..."17.. s-sir.." Kuroko replied at Fujio's question.  Kuroko hummed and Fujio asked once again.. "Your not.. a Human Are you?" Fujio asked again that make Kuroko shake his head. Akashi was eating and listening to their conversation. Akashi sense that Kuroko is smiling. He smiled behind the tea cup.

"I am surprise that Akashi Sama kept you, it seems Akashi Sama is really kind" Fujio spoke that make the butlers cough roughly. "It's Akashi Sama's Kindness don't you think?" Fujio fastly turned to Kuroko. Kuroko.. nodded his head slowly. "Well, Thanks to Akashi Sama you live well 'cause all I know...

That creatures.. Live in the streets"

The butler's eye's widened. Every butler's was quite stunned, mostly Kuroko. Kuroko didn't know he will bring it here.. Kuroko don't know how to reply. Akashi looked at him, Kuroko's smile fade away when he mentioned that. Akashi didn't like how will it turned this way. "It is true right Akashi Sama? His a human, or I think a creature" Fujio laugh a little. 'His your slave correct.. Akashi Sama?' Fujio smirk.

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