Chapter 33

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-----No One's Pov----

He was disappointed of what the bluenette. Kuroko couldn't move at his place. Akashi wasn't happy. He saw how disappointed is the Emperor..

'Why... Why is Master...

Looking at me.. Like that?..'

Kuroko couldn't move, he felt how disappointed is the Emperor, the girl look at the man. "Is that Akashi Sama!!??--" she was cut off when Akashi walk beside the bluenette that he grab the bluenette's wrist tightly. Kuroko felt pain in his wrist. He tried to remove it, but Akashi's grip was too tight.

Kagami tried to talk, "Taiga, Atsushi, you two can go now" the Emperor command coldly that he put the bluenette inside his car and close it. 'Master.. seemed disappointed at me...' Kuroko never felt so uncomfortable. It was the first time that Akashi is disappointed at him.

Kuroko always making the Emperor proud at him. But this was different, it felt he don't want to see his face. 'What does it feel.. why does it feel this way..? What..did I do Wrong??..' Kuroko felt pale a little. He qas quite startled when he saw the Emperor goes inside the car and drove off.

Kuroko was on the back of the car, it was silence. Kuroko just look at the window and didn't speak a single word. While Akashi just drove and didn't spoke a word as well. He was just driving quietly. It was gonna be night time soon.

The gate opens when they arrived, Akashi drove in and the gate close. It was a path, Kuroko look at the Emperor a little and yet he look at window again. When the Emperor arrived at his Mansion. He park his car, and opens his door to go out, the bluenette goes out of the car as well.

Nebuya open the door for them. "Master it seems the dinner is---" the bluenette was cut off. "I am quite tired today Tetsuya. You can eat your dinner" when Akashi say that, even the butlers are stunned of what Akashi says to the bluenette, the Emperor didn't even look at him.

The Emperor just walk of and headed to his room. Kuroko look at him, he was stunned and didn't move. It was silence... "Tetsu.. Kun, did something happened--" Moimoi was cut off. "Nothing happened Moimoi san, maybe his just... I mean.. Master just tired" Kuroko didn't look at her.

He walk straight to the dining room and eat alone. After he ate, Mayuzumi take the plates. Mayuzumi was also surprise that the Emperor didn't eat with the bluenette. Kuroko goes walk out to the dining room, not even looking at them, just straight to his room without any words came out.

Riko and the other's are worried.  When Kuroko goes inside his room and sat on his bed, he look at his collar at his side. Kuroko take off his cap and fix his clothes that his tail start's to swing softly again. He grab the collar and take a look at it.

'Why.. does it feel heavy?.. '

Kuroko thought himself, it change the fact that the Emperor was disappointed at him. Kuroko didn't know what he did wrong. Kuroko didn't understand that why is the Emperor disappointed at him.

It was the first time he got disappointed. He always make his Master proud of him. He always wants his Master proud of him and yet.. he did something wrong that he shouldn't do.

Kuroko breath himself a little, 'Maybe tomorrow,   I'll apologize' Kuroko tried to smile at his lips, but he just lay at the bed and put the collar beside him. 'Maybe tomorrow... Master might talk to me...' he close his eye's that he fall asleep.

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