Chapter 49 { Ending }

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-----No One's Pov----

Akashi arrived, he goes inside the building. Many women bows at him, they are wearing colorful kimono's. Akashi saw them. Haizaki showed up. "Good Evening Akashi Seijuro" he spoke coldly with a smile. "Good Evening" Akashi smirk.

The dinner is serve by the women's. Akashi fastly saw Korizu at the side, disguising herself as one of woman's. But their's one more. "Haizaki Sama, the dinner is ready" She smiled but to Akashi, she glare softly. Akashi smirk at her. When Akashi walk pass to her.. he whisper sonething..

"Why Good Evening, Shimiya Zumaki, one of the Traitor of your family, mostly killed the father who died by a poison"

She stunned, she gritted her teeth. Haizaki sat at the chair while Akashi sat as well. "You seemed very well Akashi Sama, let's have a nice chat, shall we?" Haizaki smirk.


Outside, the Miracle's already outside. Midorima was in the tree's, using a different type of sniper.  Murasakibara was at the top of the building, syill eating. He yawn. Aomine was beside of Midorima.

Kise disguise himself as a guard of the building, Kagami as well, he was eating donuts with the guards. Kise yawned, Kise and Murasakibara are quite sleepy. Mostly Murasakibara even though he is sleepy, he can still attack. He is a very lazy of one of the Miracle's.

The guard's are quite tight. Kise can see every one of them in every building. 'This seems going to be hard than I thought..' Kise thought to himself, one woman goes to him. She was just disguising of every one of the woman's inside.

"Can I help you?" Kise asked with a smile. Korizu was wearing blue kimono.  "Please follow me, I need your help" she walk, Kagami heard that voice and it was quite familiar. Kagami followed Kise and the woman. He saw the everything turning to cold ice everywhere.

While Kise sense something wrong about this woman. Kise uses his copy ability to copy Kagami's ability. When the woman turn around. "Ice Crystal" crystal of ice attack Kise, that Kise only do is dodge. He smirk.

"Your Power.. and Ability is quite interesting" Kise suddenly attack that she suddenly couldn't move. Kise's hand touch her wrist that she grab her and throw her away. The ice on Kise's body is going inside him.

"Sweet-ssu!!!" Kise smirk. "Ice Crystal" he snap his fingers that every ice sharp crystal's attacks, Korizu. 'It seemed he copy me! What did he just do!..' whenever she attacks ice, Kise is attacking back.

Kagami smirk, he knew how powerful is Kise, but Kise can't copy Akashi's ability since Akashi is a real demon.

Every movements of her is being copy by Kise. 'Damn it!' Korizu thought to herself. Midorima's sniper is target located to the woman who is holding a fan, she smirk when she look back at him. "Aomine, go inside, disguise yourself as a guard, it seemed you have an oponent" Midorina explained.

Aomine smirk."sure thing!" Aomine goes down and disguise himself as a guard. Kagami look at Murasakibara, the lazy giant yawned that he jumped while eating his chips. Sharp spines at the ground that every guards got stabbed. Blood splashes when it passes through their body.


Inside the building, Akashi can see it. He and Haizaki having a good or bad conversation. Some woman with a kimono serve them some dessert.

Then he saw Aomine talking to a woman with a fan. Haizaki smirk.. "You seemed enjoying our conversation, Akashi" Haizaiki spoke to the Emperor. "Yes, I am"  The Emperor replied, "Indeed, it was a fun conversation, but this has quite to an end"  Haizaki stand up and pushed the button that his holding.

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