Chapter 19

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-----No One's Pov---

It was about the kiss that Hayama asked him, Reo was confused of why Kuroko was just staring at the crimson flower. He couldn't answer of what he feels, he looked at the sky that the moon was now at the sky, the stars sparkle's beautifully.

The bluenette fastly stand up.. "I think I need to go now.. Hayama Kun and Reo Kun.." He bowed and fastly walk away. Hayama was thinking why he didn't answer his question.

'Did something happened..?' Hayama asked himself. 'I feel something happened than I thought would be...

Kuroko.. if the Emperor wants to desire to love you... Think about how lucky you are....

Because the Emperor who wants to desire you.. always wins, always correct in his own and yet powerful.. you are lucky if your gonna have him sooner or later

Even your a Male.. that the Emperor's wants to desire.'

Reo thought it himself.


Kuroko sigh and he was quite walking fast to the hallways then someone grab his tail, he looked back that it was Hyuuga. "Hyuuga Kun??" Hyugga let go of his cat tail.

"Sleep Kuroko, you do know how Akashi Sama might be mad at you" he softly adjust his glasses. "Yes, Hyuuga Kun, sorry, I won't make Master angry" he bowed and walk away.

He couldn't answer it. He could not answer one simple question that about the kiss that Night. 'I just need to forget it, a simple as that.. Kuroko Tetsuya' Kuroko talk to himself in his mind.

He breath calmly, then someone spoke behind, it was Aomine and Midorima. "Kuroko, will you take this small recording to Akashi nanodayo" He adjust his glasses.

"Yes Midorima Kun" he takes it and bowed. "But you will return it, tonight after Akashi watching it, Aomine you can handle him" Midorima walk passes Aomine. "Yo, Tetsu" Kuroko waved at him. "Good Evening, Aomine Kun" he greeted respectfully.

"Good Evening" Aomine looked at the window. "You and the other's will stay here???" Kuroko asked softly. "Yeah" Aomine looked at Kuroko, he knew he is not just any human around. "Hey Tetsu can I asked you something?" Aomine asked, Kuroko nodded.

Akashi was gonna pass by but he heard Aomine and Kuroko talking. He hide, he want to hear their conversation. He was curious to know why Aomine and Kuroko are still awake at the middle of the night.

"Tetsu do you already find your mate?" Kuroko tilt his head. "Mate??" Kuroko straightly looked at the tanned male. "Yes, Mate, you are a creature, you will have in heat soon enough." Aomine sigh of how innocent is this bluenette infront of him.

"I.. never found out yet.. Mate is the person I desire? And love?" Kuroko asked that Aomine nodded. "You got it right"

"Then where can I find one?" Kuroko suddenly asked. "Well.. I don't know but it feels you already have one" Aomine explained, he added "You already have one that you desire" Kuroko was confused, Aomine just walked away.

"You will know it soon enough, Tetsu" Aomine smiled. Akashi hummed and start's to walk into his room. Kuroko looked at Aomine who was walking away. Aomine thought to himself..

'You already found what you Desire and what you want to have... Akashi'

Kuroko sigh, now that he remembered. Midorima gaved him a video. He wanted to watch it, he was curious, but since he need to gave it to his Master. He hummed, he calm himself.

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